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Chinese Movie Database 

1952 Film List (Yearly film list)

Feature Film/Fiction Film 207 (208)

Others: Short 0 Documentary 3 (3) Animation 0
Numbers in parentheses include films in production and non-Chinese language films.
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TitleChinese Title (sp)Chinese Title (td)Region
1 The Affair Between Lui Bo and Diu Sim (1952)吕布戏刁蝉呂布戲刁蟬Hong Kong
2 All the Love Heaven Allows (1952)艳福齐天艷福齊天Hong Kong
3 Always in My Heart (1952)闺怨閨怨Hong Kong
4 Amorous Happenings in the Splendid Hall (1952)春色满华堂春色滿華堂Hong Kong
5 Angel and Devil aka The Goddess and the Devil (1952)月儿弯弯照九州月兒彎彎照九州Hong Kong
6 As You Desire aka When Wishes Come True (1952)从心所欲從心所欲Hong Kong
7 Auyeung Tak and His Double (1952)真假欧阳德真假歐陽德Hong Kong
8 A Bachelor is Born (1952)方帽子方帽子Hong Kong
9 Back Home Again (1952)彩凤还巢彩鳳還巢Hong Kong
10 Battle in Lotus Valley (1952)血染芙蓉谷血染芙蓉谷Hong Kong
11 The Beautiful Bandit (1952)绿林红粉綠林紅粉Hong Kong
12 Beautiful Corpse in the Bath (1952)浴室艳尸浴室艷屍Hong Kong
13 Beautiful Matching (1952)如花美眷如花美眷Hong Kong
14 Beautiful Woman, Beautiful Car (1952)香车美人香車美人Hong Kong
15 Believe It or Not, It's a Stroke of Luck (1952)大话夹好彩大話夾好彩Hong Kong
16 Between Her Own and the Concubine's Children (1952)嫡庶之间难为母嫡庶之間難為母Hong Kong
17 Bloody Fight by the Golden Sand Bay (1952)血溅金沙湾血濺金沙灣Hong Kong
18 Blooming Roses (1952)蔷薇处处开薔薇處處開Hong Kong
19 Blossoms in the Heart (1952)百花齐放百花齊放Hong Kong
20 The Breaching of Black Wind (1952)大破黑风寨大破黑風寨Hong Kong
21 Bride la Mode (1952)摩登新娘摩登新娘Hong Kong
22 Broken Illusions of Gold (1952)粉碎黄金梦粉碎黃金夢Hong Kong
23 Brother Wang and Brother Liu (1952)王哥柳哥王哥柳哥Hong Kong
24 Causes an Uproar at Kwong Cheong (1952)歌唱大闹广昌隆歌唱大鬧廣昌隆Hong Kong
25 Challenges the Boxing-Stage Champion, Part One (1952)歌唱方世玉打擂台(上集)歌唱方世玉打擂台(上集)Hong Kong
26 Challenges the Boxing-Stage Champion, Part Two (1952)歌唱方世玉打擂台(下集)歌唱方世玉打擂台(下集)Hong Kong
27 Charming Night (1952)月媚花娇月媚花嬌Hong Kong
28 Chen Jinggu's Battle with the Demons, Part One (1952)陈靖姑临水平妖(上集)陳靖姑臨水平妖(上集)Hong Kong
29 Chen Jinggu's Battle with the Demons, Part Two (1952)陈靖姑临水平妖(下集)陳靖姑臨水平妖(下集)Hong Kong
30 Cheung, The Dragon Boatman (1952)龙舟祥龍舟祥Hong Kong
31 The Closer, the Better (1952)近水楼台近水樓台Hong Kong
32 A Comet of Laughter Lands on Earth (1952)笑星降地球笑星降地球Hong Kong
33 A Couple in Love (1952)恩恩爱爱恩恩愛愛Hong Kong
34 The Courageous Heroine (1952)女侠一丈红女俠一丈紅Hong Kong
35 The Crabapple Blossom's Tears (1952)海棠花溅泪海棠花濺淚Hong Kong
36 Daughter of a Humble House (1952)蓬门小凤蓬門小鳳Hong Kong
37 Destroy! (1952)毁灭毀滅Hong Kong
38 The Devoted Soul (1952)月夜痴魂月夜痴魂Hong Kong
39 The Dividing Wall (1952)一板之隔一板之隔Hong Kong
40 Dog Murderer (1952)狗凶手狗兇手Hong Kong
41 Don't Tell My Husband (1952)别让丈夫知道別讓丈夫知道Hong Kong
42 Dragon's Beard Ditch (1952)龙须沟龍須溝Mainland China
43 The Duel between Fong Sai-yuk and Hung Hei-kun (1952)方世玉肉搏洪熙官方世玉肉搏洪熙官Hong Kong
44 The Dunce Attends a Birthday Party (1952)呆佬拜寿呆佬拜夀Hong Kong
45 Emperor Kwong Sui's Nocturnal Lament (1952)光绪皇叹五更光緒皇嘆五更Hong Kong
46 Emperor Kwong Sui's Nocturnal Sacrifice to Concubine Zhen (1952)光绪皇夜祭珍妃光緒皇夜祭珍妃Hong Kong
47 The Enchantress (1952)迷姬迷姬Hong Kong
48 Everyone's Darling (1952)到处惹人怜到處惹人憐Hong Kong
49 Everything Goes Wrong for the Poor Couple (1952)贫贱夫妻百事哀貧賤夫妻百事哀Hong Kong
50 The Extraordinary Hero Black Swirling Wind (1952)奇侠黑旋风奇俠黑旋風Hong Kong
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