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Chinese Movie Database 

Bao Qijing

Bao Qijing


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Total 29 records


1. Dream Home (2010)
2. Reign of Assassins (2010)
3. To Live and Die in Mongkok (2009)
4. Crossing Hennessy (2009)
5. I Corrupt All Cops (2009)
6. The Way We Are (2008)
7. Ocean Flame (2008)
8. TV Series Flaming Butterfly (2008)
9. Mr. Cinema (2007)
10. TV Series Central Affairs (2005)
11. Lost in Time (2003)
12. Devils on the Doorstep (1999)
13. Ordinary Heroes (1999)
14. The Wedding Days (1997)
15. Walking Beside Me (1986)
16. TV Series The Rise of the Great Wall (1985)
17. White Haired Devil Lady (1980)
18. TV Series Fatherland I : Home on the River Pearl (1980)
19. TV Series Fatherland II : Radical City (1980)
20. Boyfriend (1979)
21. The Almighty Extra (1979)
22. Young and Lovable (1978)
23. Chu Yuan (1977)
24. The Stormy Sea (1976)
25. A Family in Thousands (1975)
26. It's Ah Lan's Holiday (1973)
27. Three Seventeens (1972)
28. Younger Generation (1971)
29. The Heroic New Generation (1969)

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