Festivals and Markets

Alcala de Henares film festival,  
 Calle del Empecinado 30, 28801 Alcala de Henares, Madrid, Spain. 
Tel: (1) 8813934. Fax: (1) 8813906.  
(Short  film  competition,  plus panorama of Spanish features - October.) 
Alexandria film festival,  
 9 Orabi Str., Cairo 11111, Egypt 
Tel: 574 1112. Fax: 768727.
 (Competitive,   mainly   for   Mediterranean countries and
for first films (internationally August/September.) 
American film Market,   
10850 Wilshire Blvd, 9th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90024,
 Tel: (310)  446  1000.  Fax:  (310)  446  1600.
 (Efficiently-run market primarily for Englishlanguage theatrical films. 

Buyers must be accredited - February.)
American  Independent  feature  film Market,  
12th Floor, 104 West 29th. New York, NY 10001, U.S.A.
 Tel: (212) 243 7777. Fax: (212) 243 3882. 
(Showcase for independently produced American films - September.) 
Ann Arbor film festival,   
P.O. Box 8232, Ann Arbor MI 48107, U.S.A. 
Tel: (313) 995 5356.  Fax:  (313)  995  5396. 
 (Presenting experimental films from all over the world March.)
 Marstalu 14, P.O. Box 626, Riga, LV 1047, Latvia.
 Tel: (7) 221 620. Fax: (7) 820 445.
(Latvia's biggest film event, dedicated to innovative filmmaking - September.)
 Asian American Intl. film festival,  
 Asian Cinevision, 37 East Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10002, U.S.A. 
Tel: (212) 925 8685. Fax: (212)   9258157.  
 (Showcases works by established and emerging Asian and Asian American

 filmmakers -July.) 
Asia-Pacific film Festival,  
 Jalan Menteng Rayano 62, Jakarta 10340, Indonesia. 
(Organised by members of the federation of Motion Picture Producers
 in Asia-Pacific. Competitive- July.) 
Aspen Shortfest ~ Filmfest,  
 110 E. Hallam, Ste. 102, Aspen, CO 81611, U.S.A.
 Tel: (970) 925 6882. Fax: (970) 925 1967.
 (Features' documentaries and shorts - September.Short subject film competition -

Atlantic film festival,  
 P.O. Box 36139, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
 Tel: (902) 422 3456.  Fax:  (902)  422  4006.  
(features' documentaries, shorts and work-shops.Incorporates ScreenScene

 children's festival September)
Auckland IntL Film Festival, 
P.O. Box 9544, Wellington, New Zealand.
 Tel: (4) 3850162.  Fax:  (4)  8017304. 
 (A leading showcase of over 100 features and 50 shorts.Twinned annually with the 

Wellington Film Festival - July.) 
Augsburg   Children's   Film   Festival, 
Filmburo  Augsburg,  Schroeckstrasse 6, 86152 Augsburg, Germany.
 Tel: (821) 153079. Fax: (821) 3495218. 
(New international feature films for children. Competitive - November.) 
Baltimore Film Festival, 
The Baltimore Film Forum at the Baltimore Museum of Art, 
10 Art Museum Dr., Baltimore, Md. 21218, U.S.A.
 Tel: (410) 8891993. Fax: (410) 8892567. 
 (Celebration  of  world  cinema including restored classics.Non-competitive. Runs

 throughout April, in latter half of weeks.) 
Banff Festival of Mountain Films, 
The Banff Centre, Box 1020, Stn. 38, Banff, AB, Canada TOL OCO.
 Tel: (403) 762 6125. Fax: (403) 762 6277. 
(International competition for all films  and videos related to
mountains and the spirit of adventure - November.) 
Bergamo Film Meeting, 
Via Pascoli 3,24121 Bergamo, Italy.
 Tel: (35) 23 40 II. Fax: (35) 23 31 29. 
(Useful gathering aimed at the specialist distributors interested
in buying quality films for Italy - competitive cash prizes - March.) 
Birmingham  International  Film  and Television Festival, 
c/o Central TV, Central House, Broad Street, Birmingham Bl 2JP, U.K. 
Tel: (121) 6344213. Fax: (121) 6344392.
 (Growing provincial festival - November.)
Boston Film Festival, 
P.O. Box 561, Hull, MA02045, U.S.A.
 Tel: (617) 925 1373. Fax: (617) 925 3132. 
(Screening about 50 films including American independents, short subjects,

 documentaries and major studio releases - September.) 
Bradford Film Festival, 
National Museum of Photography, Film & TV, 
Pictureville, Bradford BDI INQ, U.K.
Tel: (1274) 773399 ext. 241. Fax: (1274) 770217. 
(Incorporates the Widescreen Film Festival - March.) 
Breckenridge Festival of Film, 
P.O.Box718,Riverwalk Center/150 W.Adams,Breckenridge,CO 80424,U.S.A. 
Tel: (970) 453 6200. Fax: (970) 453 2692.
(Independent U.S. and international fare, with tributes, receptions and 

 educational  activities  September).
British Short Film Festival,
Room A214 BBC TV Centre, Wood Lane, London W12,
(to be continued)