Title | Chinese Title (sp) | Chinese Title (td) | Region | ||
1 | Actress Pearl (1956) | 小舞娘 | 小舞孃 | Hong Kong | |
2 | An Actress in War (1956) | 乱世红伶 | 亂世紅伶 | Hong Kong | |
3 | Adventures in the Million-Flower (1956) | 乾隆皇大闹万花楼 | 乾隆皇大鬧萬花樓 | Hong Kong | |
4 | Always in My Heart (1956) | 盲恋 | 盲戀 | Hong Kong | |
5 | An'an Searches for His Mother (1956) | 安安寻母 | 安安尋母 | Hong Kong/Singapore | |
6 | Angel of the Vineyard (1956) | 葡萄仙子 | 葡萄仙子 | Hong Kong | |
7 | Apartment for Women (1956) | 女子公寓 | 女子公寓 | Hong Kong | |
8 | Autumn Affair (1956) | 秋娘 | 秋孃 | Hong Kong | |
9 | A Beautiful Corpse Comes to Life (1956) | 艳尸还魂记 | 艷屍還魂記 | Hong Kong | |
10 | Beauty in the Maelstrom (1956) | 乱世妖姬 | 亂世妖姬 | Hong Kong | |
11 | Before the New Director Arrives (1956) | 新局长到来之前 | 新局長到來之前 | Mainland China | |
12 | Beyond the Blue Horizon (1956) | 水仙 | 水仙 | Hong Kong | |
13 | Black Cat, the Cat Burglar (1956) | 飞贼黑猫 | 飛賊黑貓 | Hong Kong | |
14 | Black Tulip of Inkabough (1956) | 黑妞 | 黑妞 | Hong Kong | |
15 | Bloodshed in the Cho Palace (1956) | 血染楚王宫 | 血染楚王宮 | Hong Kong | |
16 | Bloody Battle at the Valley of Killing (1956) | 血战断魂谷 | 血戰斷魂谷 | Hong Kong | |
17 | The Boat Girl Sues the Emperor (1956) | 疍家妹告皇帝 | 疍家妹告皇帝 | Hong Kong | |
18 | The Body of a Blackmailer (1956) | 碧海浮尸 | 碧海浮屍 | Hong Kong | |
19 | A Brave Girl Avenges Her Husband's Death (1956) | 烈女报夫仇 | 烈女報夫仇 | Hong Kong | |
20 | Broken Heart (1956) | 风雨断肠人 | 風雨斷腸人 | Hong Kong | |
21 | Brothers (1956) | 手足情深 | 手足情深 | Hong Kong | |
22 | The Burning of Hundred Flowers Pavilion (1956) | 火烧百花台 | 火燒百花台 | Hong Kong | |
23 | Butterfly Dream (1956) | 庄周蝴蝶梦 | 莊周蝴蝶夢 | Hong Kong | |
24 | The Champion Beauty and the Oil Vendor (1956) | 花魁女卖油郎 | 花魁女賣油郎 | Hong Kong | |
25 | Cheng in Search of Her Husband (1956) | 周成嫂万里寻夫 | 周成嫂萬里尋夫 | Hong Kong | |
26 | Chu Ma--sen's Grand Homecoming (1956) | 朱买臣衣锦荣归 | 朱買臣衣錦榮歸 | Hong Kong | |
27 | Colorful Tokyo (1956) | 万紫千红 | 萬紫千紅 | Hong Kong | |
28 | A Country Bumpkin Looks for His Son (1956) | 乡下佬寻仔 | 鄉下佬尋仔 | Hong Kong | |
29 | A Country Girl Looks for Hher Husband (1956) | 乡下女寻夫 | 鄉下女尋夫 | Hong Kong | |
30 | Dance Troupe (1956) | 舞团 | 舞團 | Hong Kong | |
31 | Dangerous Beauty (1956) | 卧薪尝胆 | 臥薪嘗膽 | Hong Kong | |
32 | The Death of Daiyu (1956) | 黛玉归天 | 黛玉歸天 | Hong Kong | |
33 | Dragnet (1956) | 九九九命案 | 九九九命案 | Hong Kong | |
34 | The Drunken Emperor Slays His Minister (1956) | 赵匡胤醉斩郑恩 | 趙匡胤醉斬鄭恩 | Hong Kong | |
35 | The Dunce Attends a Birthday Party (1956) | 呆佬拜寿 | 呆佬拜壽 | Hong Kong | |
36 | Eighth Sister Yeung (1956) | 杨八妹招亲 | 楊八妹招親 | Hong Kong | |
37 | Emperor Qianlong's Tour of Jiangnan (1956) | 乾隆皇游江南 | 乾隆皇遊江南 | Hong Kong | |
38 | Fabulous Man aka A Stranger's (1956) | 奇人奇遇 | 奇人奇遇 | Hong Kong | |
39 | The Fake Marriage (1956) | 假凤虚鸾 | 假鳳虛鸞 | Hong Kong | |
40 | Family (1956) | 家 | 家 | Mainland China | |
41 | The Fascinating Messenger (1956) | 勾魂使者 | 勾魂使者 | Hong Kong | |
42 | Fatso Marries Skinny (1956) | 肥瘦姻缘 | 肥瘦姻緣 | Hong Kong | |
43 | Feather Fan under Spring Lantern (1956) | 春灯羽扇 | 春燈羽扇 | Hong Kong | |
44 | The Feud (1956) | 碧血恩仇万古情 | 碧血恩仇萬古情 | Hong Kong | |
45 | Fire (1956) | 火 | 火 | Hong Kong | |
46 | The Fisherman's Daughter (1956) | 渔歌 | 漁歌 | Hong Kong | |
47 | Flesh and Flame (1956) | 恋之火 | 戀之火 | Hong Kong | |
48 | A Flower Petal in the Wind (1956) | 一片飞花 | 一片飛花 | Hong Kong | |
49 | Flying Tigers (1956) | 飞虎将军 | 飛虎將軍 | Hong Kong | |
50 | Fong Sai-yuk Comes to Hung Hei-kwun's Rescue (1956) | 方世玉义救洪熙官 | 方世玉義救洪熙官 | Hong Kong |
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