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Chinese Movie Database 

2003 Film List (Yearly film list)

Feature Film/Fiction Film 101 (107)

Others: Short 0 Documentary 0 Animation 0 TV 19 (19)
Numbers in parentheses include films in production and non-Chinese language films.
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TitleChinese Title (sp)Chinese Title (td)Region
1 15 (2003)十五十五Singapore
2 1:99 (2003)1:99 电影行动1:99 電影行動Hong Kong
3 Anna in Kung-fu Land (2003)安娜与武林安娜與武林Hong Kong
4 Beyond Our Ken (2003)跆拳道跆拳道Mainland China
5 Black Mask II (2003)黑侠II黑俠IIHong Kong
6 Bless the Child (2003)某年某月某日某年某月某日Hong Kong
7 Blind Shaft (2003)盲井盲井Mainland China
8 Book and Sword, Gratitude and Revenge (2003)书剑恩仇录書劍恩仇錄Mainland China/Hong Kong
9 Bulletproof Monk (2003) [non-Chinese]防弹武僧防彈武僧USA
10 Cala My Dog! (2003)卡拉是条狗卡拉是條狗Mainland China
11 Cell Phone (2003)手机手機Mainland China
12 Chance (2003)机会機會Hong Kong
13 City of SARS (2003)非典人生非典人生Hong Kong
14 Color of the Truth (2003)黑白森林黑白森林Hong Kong
15 Comes the Black Dog (2003)黑狗来了黑狗來了Taiwan
16 A Dark Side of My Mind (2003)天使、死神天使、死神Hong Kong
17 The Death Curse (2003)古宅心慌慌古宅心慌慌Hong Kong
18 Devil Killer (2003)魔鬼屠夫魔鬼屠夫Hong Kong
19 Diva, Ah Hey (2003)下一站...天后下一站...天后Hong Kong
20 Dragon Loaded (2003)龙咁威2003龍咁威2003Hong Kong
21 Dream & Desire (2003)爱火花愛火花Hong Kong
22 Drunken Monkey (2003)醉马骝醉馬騮Hong Kong
23 Enjokosai Angel (2003)援交天使援交天使Hong Kong
24 Feel 100% 2003 (2003)百分百感觉2003百分百感覺2003Hong Kong
25 The Flosting Landscape (2003)恋之风景戀之風景Hong Kong/Japan
26 Fly My Heart (2003)我心飞翔我心飛翔Mainland China
27 Foolish 23? (2003)老子不笨老子不笨Hong Kong
28 Football Gambling (2003)千王之王赌波游戏千王之王賭波遊戲Hong Kong
29 Fu Bo (2003)福伯福伯Hong Kong
30 Get the Murderer (2003)真凶真兇Hong Kong
31 Give Them a Chance (2003)给他们一个机会給他們一個機會Hong Kong
32 Golden Chicken II (2003)金鸡2金鷄2Hong Kong
33 Good Morning Beijing (2003)早安北京早安北京Mainland China
34 Good Times, Bed Times (2003)恋上你的床戀上你的床Hong Kong
35 Goodbye Dragon Inn (2003)不散不散Taiwan
36 Happy Go Lucky (2003)低一点的天空低一點的天空Hong Kong
37 Herbal Tea (2003)男上女下男上女下Hong Kong
38 Heroic Duo (2003)双雄雙雄Hong Kong
39 Hidden Track (2003)寻找周杰伦尋找周杰倫Mainland China/Hong Kong
40 Holy Terror in the Village (2003)围村有嘢搅搅震圍村有嘢攪攪震Hong Kong
41 Honesty (2003)绝种好男人絕種好男人Hong Kong
42 I Love You (2003)我爱你我愛你Mainland China
43 Infernal Affairs II (2003)无间道 II無間道 IIHong Kong
44 Infernal Affairs III (2003)无间道 III 终极无间無間道 III 終極無間Hong Kong
45 Let's Love Hong Kong (2003)好郁好郁Hong Kong
46 Looking for Mister Perfect (2003)奇逢对手奇逢對手Hong Kong
47 Lost in Time (2003)忘不了忘不了Hong Kong
48 Love Me, If You Can (2003)飞跃情海飛躍情海Taiwan
49 Love Undercover 2: Love Mission (2003)新扎师妹2新紮師妹2Hong Kong
50 Love for all Seasons (2003)百年好合百年好合Mainland China/Hong Kong
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