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Chinese Movie Database 

Mark LEE Ping-Bing

Li Pingbin


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Total 36 records


1. Let the Wind Carry Me (2010)......Presenter

Director of Cinematography

1. The Matrimony (2007)
2. Three Times (2005)
3. Café Lumière (2004) [non-Chinese]
4. Letter from an Unknown Woman (2004)
5. Springtime in a Small Town (2002)
6. Time 4 Hope (2002)
7. Millennium Mambo (2001)
8. Forever and Ever (2000)
9. In the Mood for Love (2000)
10. Vertical Ray of the Sun (2000) [non-Chinese]
11. Tempting Heart (1999)
12. The Flowers of Shanghai (1998)
13. Task Force (1997)
14. Eighteen Springs (1997)
15. Accidential Legend (1996)
16. Goodbye South, Goodbye (1996)
17. Buddha Bless America (1996)
18. Out of the Blur (1996)
19. Summer Snow (1995)
20. Whatever Will Be, Will Be (1995)
21. Heaven and Earth (1994)
22. The Puppetmaster (1993)
23. Tiger Cage II (1990)
24. Whampoa Blues (1990)
25. City Kids (1989)
26. The Dull-Ice Flower (1989)
27. Runaway Blues (1988)
28. Title in pinyin: lao3 shi1, you3 wen4 ti2 (1988)
29. Title in pinyin: hei1 pi2 yu3 bai2 ya2 (1987)
30. Dust in the Wind (1987)
31. Strawman (1987)
32. The Time to Live and the Time to Die (1985)
33. Papa's Spring (1985)
34. Run Away (1984)
35. Title not available (1984)

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