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Chinese Movie Database 

Ann HUI On-Wah

Xu Anhua


Ann HUI On-Wah Ann HUI On-Wah
Rating: Attractiveness
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Rating: Talent
7.85/13 voted Ranking: 5
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Total 39 records


1. All About Love (2010)
2. Night and Fog (2009)
3. Concubine (2008) [Planning]
4. The Way We Are (2008)
5. The Postmodern Life of My Aunt (2006)
6. July Rhapsody (2002)
7. Visible Secret (2001)
8. Ordinary Heroes (1999)
9. Eighteen Springs (1997)
10. As Time Goes By (1997)
11. Ah Kam (1996)
12. Summer Snow (1995)
13. My American Grandson (1991)
14. Zodiac Killers (1991)
15. Song of the Exile (1990)
16. Starry is the Night (1988)
17. Princess Fragrance (1987)
18. Romance of Book and Sword (1987)
19. Love in a Fallen City (1984)
20. Boat People (1982)
21. The Story of Woo Viet (1981)
22. The Spooky Bunch (1980)
23. Secret, The (1979)


1. Echoes of the Rainbow (2010)
2. Simply Actors (2007) [Cameo]
3. My Name is Fame (2006) [Cameo]
4. Jiang Hu - The Triad Zone (2000)
5. The River (1997) [Cameo]
6. The Twin Dragons (1992) [Cameo]
7. Winners and Sinners (1983)


1. Visible Secret 2 (2002)
2. Peony Pavilion (2001)
3. Ordinary Heroes (1999)
4. Eighteen Springs (1997)
5. Summer Snow (1995)

Associate Producer

1. The Opium War (1997)
2. Little Life-Opera, A (1997)
3. The Day the Sun Turned Cold (1994)
4. Fong Sai Yuk (1993)

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