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Chinese Movie Database 

Topics :: Genres and Subjects ::Subject : Supernatural

Subject : Supernatural (Subject Index)

Total 45 records

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Showing: 1-30

1. Tales from the Dark Part I (2013)

2. Bunshinsaba (2012)

3. No. 32, B District (2011)

4. Womb Ghost (2010)

5. The Haunting Lover (2010)

6. fantôme, où es-tu? (2010)

7. Linger (2008)

8. The Fatality (2008)

9. In Love with the Dead (2007)

10. The Haunted School (2007)

11. Gong Tau (2007)

12. Re-cycle (2006)

13. Silk (2006)

14. The Medallion (2003) [non-Chinese]

15. Troublesome Night 19 (2003)

16. Nightmare in the Precinct 7 (2001)

17. Accusation of the Wall (2001)

18. 2002 (2001)

19. Electrical Girl (2001)

20. Visible Secret (2001)

21. Love Correction (2000)

22. Black Blood (2000)

23. Horoscope I: The Voice from Hell (1999)

24. TV Series A Loving Spirit (1999)

25. Erotic Nightmare (1999)

26. The Mirror (1999)

27. The Storm Riders (1998)

28. The Eternal Evil of Asia (1995)

29. The Peony Pavilion (1995)

30. Ghostly Bus (1995)

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