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Chinese Movie Database 

CHAN Kwok Pong

Chen Guobang


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Total 33 records


1. TV Series Bar Bender (2006)
2. TV Series Lethal Weapon of Love and Passion (2006)
3. Title in pinyin: shan3 ling2 xiong1 meng3 (2001)
4. The Killer Of The Lonely Heart (2000)
5. Title not available (2000)
6. Diamond Hill (2000)
7. Our Last Days (1999)
8. Stupid (1999)
9. Beach Girl (1999)
10. The Lord of Hangzhou (1998)
11. Once Upon A Time in China & America (1997)
12. TV Series Wong Fei Hung Series: The Final Victory (1996)
13. Devil's Woman (1996)
14. TV Series Wong Fei Hung Series: The Ideal Century (1996)
15. Boys? (1996)
16. TV Series Wong Fei Hung Series: The Headless General (1996)
17. TV Series Wong Fei Hung Series: The Suspicious Temple (1995)
18. Spike Drink Gang (1995)
19. TV Series Wong Fei Hung Series: The Eight Assassins (1995)
20. Diary of a Serial Killer (1995)......Liu Shubiao
21. Gates of Hell (1995)
22. The Eternal Evil of Asia (1995)
23. Lover of the Last Empress (1995)
24. In the Heat of Summer (1994)
25. The Final Option (1994)
26. Portrait of a Serial Rapist (1994)
27. Why Wild Girls (1994)
28. To Live and Die in Tsimshatsui (1994)
29. S.D.U. Mission in Mission (1994)
30. Modern Romance (1994)
31. Days of Tomorrow (1993)
32. Story of Ricky (1992)
33. Thank You Sir (1989)

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