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Chinese Movie Database 

KO Lo-Chuen

Gao Luquan


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Total 62 records


1. Secret Agent No.1 (1970)
2. A Stomach of Crazy Tricks (1970)
3. Huang Fei-hung:The Duel for the (1969)
4. Sweet Sword (1969)
5. Singing Darlings (1969)
6. O.K. (1969)
7. Mother Wants Me to Get Married (1969)
8. The Three Smiles (1969)
9. Young, Pregnant and Unmarried (1968)
10. Buddhist Spiritual Palm Returned (1968)
11. Vanquished the Monster and Conquered the 9 (1968)
12. Happy Years (1968)
13. The Avenging Sword (1968)
14. The Love of Red Leaf (1968)
15. Decree of the Fire Dragon (1968)
16. Beauty in the Mist (1968)
17. How a Strange Hero Thrice Teased an Unruly Girl (1968)
18. She's so Brave! (1967)
19. Teddy Boy in the Gutter (1967)
20. Green-eyed Demoness (1967)
21. Selling, Pawning and Borrowing (1967)
22. The Flying Red Rose (1967)
23. Jade in the Red Dust, Part One (1966)
24. 701, the Blundering Woman Detective (1966)
25. How Master Cute Thrice Saved the Idiot Ming (1966)
26. The Eighteen Darts, Part One (1966)
27. The Eighteen Darts, Part Two (1966)
28. Jade in the Red Dust, Part Two (1966)
29. Title in pinyin: jin1 bian1 fu2 (1966)
30. Eternal Love (1966)
31. Master Cute and Da Fanshu (1966)
32. Master Cute (1965)
33. A Modern Ji Gong aka The Modern Idol (1965)
34. Crazy Young Master (1965)
35. Two Mouthy Ladies from the North and South (1965)
36. Buddha's Palm, the Grand Conclusion (1964)
37. My Excellent Children and Wife (1964)
38. Take What You Can (1964)
39. Buddha's Palm, Part One (1964)
40. A New Schedule for the Baby (1964)
41. The Witty Sister (1964)
42. Young and Idle (1964)
43. Title in pinyin: huo3 shao1 hong2 lian2 si4 xia4 ji2 (1963)
44. Title in pinyin: huo3 shao1 hong2 lian2 si4 shang3 ji2 (1963)
45. Our Love Solid as Gold (1962)
46. Night Must Fall (1962)
47. The Long Chase (1961)
48. Orphan, The (1960)
49. Save Your Water Supply aka Taps Off, Downstairs! (1954)
50. How Judge Pao Tested the Faked Emperor Kwong Sui (1952)
51. Title in pinyin: ren2 hai3 wan4 hua1 tong3 (1950)
52. The Misguided Spirit in the Well (1950)
53. The Wandering Dead (1949)
54. The Tangled Phoenix (1948)
55. Welcome the God of Wealth (1948)
56. The Spy Lovers in the Dangerous City (1947)
57. Cuckoo's Spirit in March (1947)
58. The Fickle Lady (1947)
59. The Tricky and the Honest (1947)
60. Where is the Lady's Home? (1947)
61. Cuiheng Village (1937)
62. The Woman Spy (1936)

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