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Chinese Movie Database 

Li Wen

Li Wen


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Total 18 records


1. The Fairy of Kengfa (1970)
2. Singing Darlings (1969)
3. Three Young Girls (1968)
4. Happy Years (1968)
5. The Girl with Long Hair (1967)
6. Lady Flying Dragon (1967)
7. Title in pinyin: fei1 zei2 jin1 si1 mao1 (1967)
8. Title in pinyin: yu4 mian4 nu:3 sha1 xing1 (1967)
9. Young Love, The (1967)
10. Romantic Lover (1965)
11. Romantic Musketeer (1964)
12. A Wonderful Petition, Part One (1960)
13. Nobody's Child (1958)
14. Mulan, the Girl Who Went to War (1957)......Mother
15. Ming Phoon (1957)
16. Four Daughters (1957)
17. The Three Loves (1956)
18. She Swallowed Her Sorrows (1956)

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