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Chinese Movie Database 

Bowie LAM

Lin Baoyi


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Total 23 records


1. I Corrupt All Cops (2009)
2. The Sniper (2008)
3. TV Series The Dance of Passion (2006)
4. TV Series CIB Files (2006)......Tony
5. TV Series Always Ready (2005)
6. TV Series Healing Hands (2005)
7. TV Series War and Beauty (2004)
8. Rich for One Night (1998)
9. Lost Control (1997)
10. Passionate Nights (1997)
11. TV Series Wong Fei Hung Series: The Ideal Century (1996)
12. Wild (1996)
13. TV Series Once Upon A Time in Shanghai (1996)
14. Title in pinyin: ji2 du4 shou4 xing4 (1996)
15. The Day That Doesn't Exist (1995)
16. Heaven Can't Wait (1995)
17. Cop Image (1994)......Johnny
18. TV Series Title in pinyin: po4 jian3 bian1 yuan2 (1992)
19. TV Series The Greed of Man (1992)
20. The Sting (1992)
21. Gun N' Rose (1992)......Long San
22. Dr Vampire (1990)
23. People's Hero (1987)

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