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Chinese Movie Database 

Andy CHIN Wing-Keung

Qian Yongqiang


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Total 24 records


1. TV Series Sky Lover (2001)
2. TV Series Title in pinyin: long2 tang2 (1998)
3. The Lord of Hangzhou (1998)
4. Young Generatoin (1997)
5. Title in pinyin: ye4 ban4 san1 dian3 zhong1 (1997)
6. Why Wild Girls (1994)
7. Dragon Chronicles - The Maidens, The (1994)
8. Title in pinyin: ni2 hong2 guang1 guan3 gao1 gao1 gua4 zhi1 nu:3 zi3 gong1 yu4 (1994)
9. Victory (1994)
10. Love Among the Triad (1993)
11. Crazy Women (1993)
12. Gigolo and Whore II (1992)
13. Changing Partners (1992)
14. Sisters in Law (1992)
15. Call Girl '92 (1992)
16. To Catch a Thief (1991)


1. The True Hero (1994)


1. Are You Lonesome Tonight (2000)
2. Victory (1994)


1. The Lord of Hangzhou (1998)
2. Title in pinyin: ni2 hong2 guang1 guan3 gao1 gao1 gua4 zhi1 nu:3 zi3 gong1 yu4 (1994)
3. Love Among the Triad (1993)
4. Call Girl '92 (1992)


1. Love Among the Triad (1993)

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