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Chinese Movie Database 

Qiao Zhuang

Qiao Zhuang


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Total 36 records


1. Thirty-six Killers (1971)
2. Title not available (1970)
3. The Daring Sword (1969)
4. Redress (1969)


1. Thirty-six Killers (1971)
2. Title not available (1970)
3. The Trail of the Broken Blade (1970)
4. Redress (1969)
5. The Daring Sword (1969)
6. Torrents of Desire (1969)
7. Mist Over Dream Lake (1968)
8. The Trail of the Broken Blade (1967)
9. Song of Tomorrow (1967)
10. Rape of the Sword (1967)
11. Auntie Lan (1967)
12. King Cat (1967)
13. The Knight of Knights (1966)
14. The Joy of Spring (1966)
15. Lover's Rock (1964)
16. Title in pinyin: shan1 ge1 yin1 yuan (1964)
17. The Empress Wu Tse-tien (1963)
18. The Second Spring (1963)
19. The Bride Napping (1962)
20. Title in pinyin: wu1 shan1 chun1 hui (1962)
21. Oh Boys! Oh Girls! (1961)
22. The Lost Love (1961)
23. The Secret of Miss Pai (1960)
24. A Shot in the Dark (1960)
25. The Golden Girl (1959)
26. Love Affairs of a Confirmed Bachelor (1959)
27. Escape into Trap (1957)
28. The Three Loves (1956)


1. Thirty-six Killers (1971)
2. Title not available (1970)
3. The Daring Sword (1969)
4. Redress (1969)

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