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Chinese Movie Database 

Wen Lan

Wen Lan


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Total 32 records


1. The Vagabond Swordsman (1968)
2. Family Man (1967)
3. Violet Girl (1966)
4. The Powerful Fist of a Thousand Hands, Part One (1965)
5. Seven Unruly Girls (1965)
6. Sweetness of Love (1965)
7. Family Doctrine, Part One (1965)
8. The Powerful Fist of a Thousand Hands, Part Two (1965)
9. Blundering Detective (1965)
10. Three Fools Searching for Their Daughter (1963)
11. Battle at Sizhou (1962)
12. Three Swords and the Sky Monster (1962)
13. A Perfect Match (1962)
14. Showdown at Ching-seng Hill (1961)
15. Tears of Mother (1961)
16. Decisive Battle at Nan Ling Temple (1961)
17. A Perfect Match (1960)
18. The Affairs of Miss Ping, Part One (1960)
19. Many Happy Returns (1960)
20. Sweet Bitterness (1960)
21. Avenged (1960)
22. How the Filial Daughter Returned the Pearl (1959)
23. Miss Songbird (1959)
24. The Illegitimate Lover (1959)
25. Cuckoo's Soul in March (1959)
26. Little Songstress (1958)
27. Kong Hoi-yin, Girl with a Miserable Fate, the Concluding Epi (1958)
28. Bo Ding and Pearl (1958)
29. Beware of Pickpockets (1958)
30. Sam-chun Tries Her Father in Court (1958)
31. Darling Girl (1957)
32. Precious Daughter (1956)

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