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Chinese Movie Database 

Zhou Lijing

Zhou Lijing


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Total 15 records


1. A Railway in the Cloud (2007)......Yu Ming Yong
2. Woman Soccer Player #9 (2000)
3. Title in pinyin: zui4 e3 (1997)
4. An Artillery Major (1993)
5. Blood Shedding Over the Yellow Desert (1993)
6. Title in pinyin: du3 wang2 chu1 shan1 (1993)
7. Sword Brothers (1993)
8. Stealing is No Crime (1989)
9. Beijing Kebabs (1987)
10. TV Series Rising Star (1986)......Li Xiangnan
11. Xiao'er Blak (1984)
12. TV Series Title in pinyin: gao1 shan1 xia4 de hua1 huan2 (1984)......Zhao Mengsheng
13. Life (1984)
14. Our Fields (1983)
15. A Lady from Shanghai (1982)

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