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Chinese Movie Database 


Total 48 records


1. Title in pinyin: xia2 dao4 zheng4 zhuan4 (1998)
2. Title in pinyin: na3 zha1 da4 zhan4 mei3 hou2 wang2 (1998)
3. Wolves Crying Under the Moon (1997)
4. No, Sir (1994)
5. Ashes of Time (1994)
6. Title not available (1994)
7. Legal Innocence (1993)
8. The Eagle Shooting Heroes (1993)
9. Holy Weapon (1993)
10. Island of Fire (1991)
11. Title in pinyin: da4 tou2 bing1 shang4 zhan4 chang3 - za2 pai2 jun1 (1991)
12. Title not available (1991)
13. The Twelve Fairies (1990)
14. Off to Success II (1990)
15. Title not available (1990)
16. A Home Too Far (1990)
17. Title in pinyin: gui3 chu1 jia4 (1990)
18. Title in pinyin: da4 xiao4 bing1 tuan2 (1990)
19. Title not available (1990)
20. Title not available (1990)
21. Title not available (1990)
22. Title not available (1989)
23. Title not available (1989)
24. Title not available (1989)
25. Title not available (1989)
26. Title not available (1989)
27. Title in pinyin: sha3 long2 chu2 hai3 (1989)
28. Title not available (1989)
29. Title in pinyin: ying1 xiong2 wu2 dan3 (1989)
30. Title not available (1989)


1. Come Fly the Dragon (1991)


1. The Twelve Fairies (1990)
2. Off to Success II (1990)
3. A Home Too Far (1990)
4. Title in pinyin: da4 xiao4 bing1 tuan2 (1990)
5. Title in pinyin: sha3 long2 chu2 hai3 (1989)
6. Yes Sir! (1987)
7. Title in pinyin: huo3 long2 ren4 wu4 A ji4 hua4 (1983)

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