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Chinese Movie Database 

1934 Film List (Yearly film list)

Feature Film/Fiction Film 37 (37)

Others: Short 0 Documentary 0 Animation 0
Numbers in parentheses include films in production and non-Chinese language films.
TitleChinese Title (sp)Chinese Title (td)Region
1 Big Road (1934)大路大路China
2 The Body Snatchers (1934)盗尸盜屍Hong Kong
3 Breaking Waves (1934)破浪破浪Hong Kong
4 Brother (1934)难兄難兄Hong Kong
5 The Case of the Wedding Night Twin-corpse (1934)洞房双尸案洞房雙屍案Hong Kong
6 Diatribe Against the Traitor (1934)陈宫骂曹陳宮罵曹Hong Kong
7 The Goddess (1934)神女神女China
8 The Mischief Makers (1934)扭计祖宗扭計祖宗Hong Kong
9 New Women (1934)新女性新女性China
10 Nightmare of Fortune (1934)繁华梦繁華夢Hong Kong
11 Plunder of Peach and Plum (1934)桃李劫桃李劫China
12 Problems After Marriage (1934)婚後的问题婚後的問題Hong Kong
13 Return from the Battleground (1934)战地归来戰地歸來Hong Kong
14 Sea of Scented Snow (1934)香雪海香雪海China
15 The Setting Sun (1934)夕阳夕陽Hong Kong
16 Sister Flowers (1934)姊妹花姊妹花China
17 Song of the Fisherman (1934)渔光曲漁光曲China
18 Spoondrift Village (1934)浪花村浪花村Hong Kong
19 Tragedy of Love (1934)薄幸薄倖Hong Kong
20 Twin Sisters II (1934)再生花再生花China
21pinyin bao4 yu3 li2 hua1 (1934)暴雨梨花暴雨梨花China
22pinyin dao4 xi1 bei3 qu4 (1934)到西北去到西北去China
23pinyin gui1 lai2 (1934)归来歸來China
24pinyin kong1 gu3 lan2 (1934)空谷兰空谷蘭China
25pinyin li2 ming2 (1934)黎明黎明China
26pinyin liang2 xiao1 (1934)良宵良宵China
27pinyin lu2 liu3 qiang2 hua1 (1934)路柳墙花路柳牆花China
28pinyin mai4 fu1 ren2 (1934)麦夫人麦夫人China
29pinyin nu:3 xing4 de chou2 di2 (1934)女性的仇敌女性的仇敵China
30pinyin nü3 er2 jing1 (1934)女儿经女兒經China
31pinyin qing1 chun1 (1934)青春青春China
32pinyin qing1 chun1 (1934)青春青春China
33pinyin ren2 sheng1 (1934)人生人生China
34pinyin san1 zi3 mei4 (1934)三姊妹三姊妹China
35pinyin ti3 yu4 huang2 hou4 (1934)体育皇后體育皇后China
36pinyin xiang1 chou2 (1934)乡愁鄉愁China
37pinyin zai4 hui4 ba1 ! shang3 hai3 (1934)再会吧!上海再會吧!上海China

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