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Chinese Movie Database 

1948 Film List (Yearly film list)

Feature Film/Fiction Film 157 (157)

Others: Short 0 Documentary 2 (2) Animation 0
Numbers in parentheses include films in production and non-Chinese language films.
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TitleChinese Title (sp)Chinese Title (td)Region
1 The All-time Beauty (1948)吐艳芬芳吐艷芬芳Hong Kong
2 As Time Goes By (1948)几度春风幾度春風Hong Kong
3 The Bat Thief (1948)蝙蝠大盗蝙蝠大盜Hong Kong
4 A Beautiful Evening (1948)花月良宵花月良宵Hong Kong
5 Behind the World of Secret Agents (1948)谍网恩仇諜網恩仇Hong Kong
6 Between Hero Copper Hammer and Madam Nine (1948)铜锤侠大战九花娘 (上集)銅鎚俠大戰九花娘 (上集)Hong Kong
7 Between Hero Copper Hammer and Madam Nine (1948)铜锤侠大战九花娘 (下集)銅鎚俠大戰九花娘 (下集)Hong Kong
8 The Big Dual Between Monkey King and Pigsy (1948)孙悟空大战猪八戒孫悟空大戰豬八戒Hong Kong
9 Big Reunion (1948)大团圆大團圓China
10 The Black Hero and Lee Ching-mei (1948)黑侠与李青薇黑俠與李青薇Hong Kong
11 Bloodshed in a Besieged Citadel (1948)血染孤城血染孤城Hong Kong
12 Bloody Cloth (1948)血染霓裳血染霓裳Hong Kong
13 The Boxing Championship Title (1948)拳王争霸拳王爭霸Hong Kong
14 Butterfly Dream (1948)双飞蝴蝶梦雙飛蝴蝶夢Hong Kong
15 The Butterfly Lovers, Part One (1948)梁山伯、祝英台(上集)梁山伯、祝英台(上集)Hong Kong
16 The Butterfly Lovers, Part Two (1948)梁山伯、祝英台(下集)梁山伯、祝英台(下集)Hong Kong
17 Charlie and the Child (1948)差利与小孩子差利與小孩子Hong Kong
18 Children and Thousands of (1948)百子千孙百子千孫Hong Kong
19 The Colourful Butterfly, Part Two (1948)花蝴蝶 (下集)花蝴蝶 (下集)Hong Kong
20 The Corn is Ripe for Plucking (1948)女大当嫁女大當嫁Hong Kong
21 A Couple in Distress (1948)同是天涯沦落人同是天涯淪落人Hong Kong
22 The Crazy Matchmaker (1948)疯狂月老瘋狂月老Hong Kong
23 The Dedicated Lover (1948)公子情深公子情深Hong Kong
24 The Desperate Man's Jump to Death (1948)肠断跳楼人腸斷跳樓人Hong Kong
25 The Dragon is Teased by the Beautiful Phoenix (1948)游龙戏凤游龍戲鳳Hong Kong
26 Dream Adventures in Heaven (1948)梦游天国夢遊天國Hong Kong
27 Eastern Capital, Part Two (1948)五鼠闹东京 (下集大结局)五鼠閙東京 (下集大結局)Hong Kong
28 End to the Song, Death to the Soul (1948)曲终魂断曲終魂斷Hong Kong
29 Everlasting Green (1948)野火春风野火春風China
30 Everlasting Regret (1948)此恨绵绵无绝期此恨綿綿無絕期Hong Kong
31 Everything Goes My Way (1948)得心应手得心應手Hong Kong
32 A Fair Lady with Ill Fated (1948)荆棘幽兰荊棘幽蘭Hong Kong
33 The Faithful Wife and Lascivious Woman (1948)贤妻荡妇賢妻蕩婦Hong Kong
34 The Fight Between King Kong and Cow Evil (1948)飞金刚大战牛魔王飛金剛大戰牛魔王Hong Kong
35 The Fight Between the Honourable Cat and Rat (1948)御猫大战锦毛鼠御貓大戰錦毛鼠Hong Kong
36 Fight for Champion (1948)向海争雄向海爭雄Hong Kong
37 Fishing Village in the War (1948)烽火渔村烽火漁村Hong Kong
38 Flowers Drop in July (1948)七月落薇花七月落薇花Hong Kong
39 Flying Heroine (1948)飞天女侠飛天女俠Hong Kong
40 Fong Sai-yuk and Miu Chui-fa (1948)方世玉与曲翠花方世玉與曲翠花Hong Kong
41 Four Generations in One House (1948)四代同堂四代同堂Hong Kong
42 Four Phoenixes Take Flight (1948)四凤齐飞四鳳齊飛Hong Kong
43 Gendarme the Killer (1948)香港杀人王香港殺人王Hong Kong
44 God of the Animal Kingdom (1948)兽国神魔獸國神魔Hong Kong
45 God's Punishment to the Good Man (1948)雷劈好心人雷劈好心人Hong Kong
46 A Golden World (1948)黄金世界黃金世界Hong Kong
47 Gone the Phoenix from the Cage (1948)打破玉笼飞彩凤打破玉籠飛彩鳳Hong Kong
48 Good Girl Covers for Both Sides (1948)好女两头瞒好女兩頭瞞Hong Kong
49 The Groom and his Double (1948)真假新郎真假新郎Hong Kong
50 The Haunt of the Eastern Capital, Part One (1948)五鼠闹东京 (上集)五鼠鬧東京 (上集)Hong Kong
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