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Chinese Movie Database 

1963 Film List (Yearly film list)

Feature Film/Fiction Film 352 (353)

Others: Short 0 Documentary 2 (2) Animation 1 (1)
Numbers in parentheses include films in production and non-Chinese language films.
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TitleChinese Title (sp)Chinese Title (td)Region
151 The Mother-and-Child Tombstone (1963)子母碑子母碑Hong Kong
152 Murder at the Pier (1963)码头碎尸案碼頭碎屍案Hong Kong
153 Murder in a Deserted House (1963)古屋行尸古屋行屍Hong Kong
154 The Murderous White-boned Blade (1963)追魂白骨刀追魂白骨刀Hong Kong
155 My Only Love (1963)情之所钟情之所鍾Hong Kong
156 Mythical Crane, Evil Dragon (1963)仙鹤魔龙仙鶴魔龍Hong Kong
157 The New Tale of the Mythical Crane, Part Two (1963)仙鹤神针新传 (下集)仙鶴神針新傳 (下集)Hong Kong
158 No. 1 Lady Thief (1963)第一号女贼第一號女賊Hong Kong
159 One Murder, Five Deaths (1963)一尸五命案一屍五命案Hong Kong
160 One Queen and Three Kings (1963)一后三王一后三王Hong Kong
161 Opium War (1963)鸦片战争鴉片戰爭Taiwan
162 Passionately in Love (1963)痴情儿女痴情兒女Hong Kong
163 Peach Blossom Fan (1963)桃花扇桃花扇Mainland China
164 The Perfumed Ball (1963)文武香球文武香球Hong Kong
165 The Poisonous Cicada (1963)万毒金蝉萬毒金蟬Hong Kong
166 Poor Lady Ping (1963)风雨泣萍姬風雨泣萍姬Hong Kong
167 Praying for Rain (1963)水荒求雨特辑水荒求雨特輯Hong Kong
168 The Prince Becomes a Monk (1963)玉龙太子出家玉龍太子出家Hong Kong
169 Prince Lau Chiang (1963)刘章下山劉章下山Hong Kong
170 Prince White-ape and His Mother (1963)白猿太子阴阳崖会母白猿太子陰陽崖會母Hong Kong
171 The Purple Cup (1963)紫霞杯紫霞杯Hong Kong
172 The Quarrelsome Lovers (1963)一对好冤家一對好冤家Hong Kong
173 Red Sun (1963)红日紅日Mainland China
174 Red Thread Steals a Precious Box (1963)红线女夜盗宝盒紅綫女夜盜寶盒Hong Kong
175 Relatives on Honeymoon (1963)八人渡蜜月八人渡蜜月Hong Kong
176 Return of the Phoenix (1963)凤还巢鳳還巢Hong Kong
177 Revenge of a Swordswoman (1963)原野奇侠传原野奇俠傳Hong Kong
178 Revenge of the Ape-girl (1963)猿女复仇记猿女復仇記Hong Kong
179 The Revived Rose (1963)复活玫瑰復活玫瑰Hong Kong
180 The Romance of the Jade Cicada Pair (1963)双玉蝉雙玉蟬Hong Kong
181 Sea aka The Sea (1963)Hong Kong
182 The Second Spring (1963)第二春第二春Hong Kong
183 The Secret of the Magic Gourd (1963)宝葫芦的秘密寶葫蘆的秘密Mainland China
184 Serf (1963)农奴農奴Mainland China
185 The Seven Heroes of Wudang Mountain (1963)武当七侠武當七俠Hong Kong
186 Seven Swords Shock the World (1963)七剑震江湖七劍震江湖Hong Kong
187 She is Different (1963)难测女儿心難測女兒心Hong Kong
188 The Shrewd Wife (1963)五谏刁妻五諫刁妻Hong Kong
189 Sixteen Years of Love and Hate (1963)烽火恩仇十六年烽火恩仇十六年Hong Kong
190 Somebody's Orphan (1963)孤凤双雏孤鳳雙雛Hong Kong
191 The Songstresses (1963)秦淮世家秦淮世家Hong Kong
192 Sophisticated (1963)娇滴滴小姐嬌滴滴小姐Hong Kong
193 South Dragon, North Phoenix (1963)南龙北凤南龍北鳳Hong Kong
194 Springtime (1963)潮梅之春潮梅之春Hong Kong
195 The Spy (1963)天字间谍网天字間諜網Hong Kong
196 Star of Hong Kong (1963)香港之星香港之星Hong Kong/
197 Stepmother (1963)杜鹃花开杜鵑花開Hong Kong
198 A Stingy Fellow (1963)密底算盘密底算盤Hong Kong
199 The Story of Liu Yuniang (1963)刘玉娘劉玉娘Hong Kong
200 Story of the Sword and the Sabre, Part One (1963)倚天屠龙记上集倚天屠龍記上集Hong Kong
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