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Chinese Movie Database 

Topics :: Genres and Subjects ::Subject : Football

Subject : Football (Subject Index)

Total 13 records

1. Title in pinyin lü4 yin1 fo2 zi3 (2007)

2. Bend It Like Beckham (2002) [non-Chinese]

3. Shaolin Soccer (2001)

4. Title in pinyin fang2 shou3 fan3 ji1 (2000)

5. Woman Soccer Player #9 (2000)

6. A Soccer Fan's Obsession (1992)

7. Soccer Heroes (1987)

8. Come On, China (1985)

9. The Champions (1983)

10. Come On, Soccer (1980)

11. Hong Kong-Sweden Soccer Match (1951)

12. Between Ppera and Movie Stars (1939)

13. Love Story on Classmates (1928)

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