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Chinese Movie Database 

Topics :: Genres and Subjects ::Subject : History

Subject : History (Subject Index)

Total 144 records

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Showing: 121-144

121. The Eternal Beauty Zhao Feiyan (1965)

122. The Eternal Beauty of Hsi-Shih (1964)

123. Doctor Bethune (1964)

124. Beyond the Great Wall (1964)

125. Opium War (1963)

126. 55 Days at Peking (1963) [non-Chinese]

127. The Empress Wu Tse-tien (1963)

128. Peach Blossom Fan (1963)

129. Sai Sze, the Eternal Beauty (1960)

130. The Double-Speared Luk Man-lung (1959)

131. Lin Zexu and the Opium War (1958)

132. Diau Charn (1958)

133. Li Shizhen (1956)

134. The 72 Martyrs of Canton (1954)

135. The Peerless Beauty (1953)

136. Palace Efang On Fire (1952)

137. Sorrows of Forbidden City (1948)

138. The Soul of China (1948)

139. Title in pinyin wan4 shi4 liu2 fang1 (1943)

140. The Perfect Beauty (1940)

141. Confucius (1940)

142. The Sable Cicada (1938)

143. Title in pinyin xin1 tao2 hua1 shan4 (1935)

144. Zhu Yuanzhang the First Emperor of Ming Dynasty (1927)

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