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Chinese Movie Database 

Topics :: Genres and Subjects ::Subject : Journalist

Subject : Journalist (Subject Index)

Total 13 records

1. Caught in the Web (2012)

2. When A Child is Born (2008)

3. Title in pinyin qiao3 ke4 li4 qing2 ren2 (2007) [In Production]

4. TV Series Wars of In-laws II (2007)

5. The Green Hornet (1994)

6. Eyes of the People (1990)

7. A Secret Cover (1989)

8. TV Series Rising Star (1986)

9. Boat People (1982)

10. Troubled Laughter (1979)

11. Love is a Many-Slendored Thing (1955) [non-Chinese]

12. The Queen without a Crown (1953)

13. Title in pinyin cheng2 long2 kuai4 xu4 (1947)

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