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Movie Title Index

[ A ][ B ][ C ][ D ][ E ][ F ][ G ][ H ][ I ][ J ][ K ][ L ][ M ][ N ][ O ][ P ][ Q ][ R ][ S ][ T ][ U ][ V ][ W ][ X ][ Y ][ Z ] [ Others ]

[ A ]

AIDS AIDS (1988)
Abondened One (1923)
Absolute Monarch (1980)
Absurd Event, An (1990)
Absurd Prank, An (1989)
Absurdities in a City (1990)
Accident, The (1999)
Accidental Spy, The (2001)
Accidential Legend (1996)
Accused Uncle Shang Guang, The (1995)
Aces Go Places (1982)
Aces Go Places II (1983)
Aces Go Places III (1984)
Aces Go Places IV (1986)
Aces Go Places V: The Terracotta Hit (1989)
Acrobat's Romance, An (1985)
Acrobats' Son, The (1990)
Action "Manchou Tigher" (1993)
Action Without Mission (1993)
Actress in Dragon, An (1990)
Actress's Dream, An (1985)
Actress, The (1991)
Admarid Girl, The (1972)
Adopted Daughter, An (1929)
Adventure in Time, An (1991)
Adventure of Stamp (1988)
Adventure of a Clawn, The (1990)
Adventure of a Little Savage (1989)
Adventure of a Panda (1983)
Adventure of a Young Cavalry (1988)
Adventure of the Modern Girls (1927)
Adventure of the Wolfhunts (1985)
Adventurer, The (1930)
Adventurers, The (1995)
Adventures in Golden Triangle (1988)
Adventures in Guangzhou (1991)
Adventures of Emperor Chien Lung, The (1977)
Adventures of a Taiwan Couple (1988)
Affectinate Couples (1988)
Affectionate Monk, The (1990)
Affectionately Yours (1985)
After Being Trapped (1982)
After Divorce (1997)
After Hijacking (1926)
After Raining (1982)
After Second Husband Died (1992)
After Seperation (1992)
After the Blue Light Shines (1979)
After the Crescent (1997)
After the Final Battle (1992)
Against All (1991)
Age At Nineteen (1986)
Age of Miracles, The (1996)
Ah Fai the Dumb (1997)
Ah Fei (1983)
Ah Fu's Love Life (1990)
Ah Kam (1996)
Ah Ying (1983)
Ah-Chung (1996)
Ahman's Stories (1986)
Ahman's Stories (1991)
Ailifu and Sainaimu (1981)
Air Hostess (1959)
Aizhu, the Pearl's Girl (1985)
Alan and Eric - Between Hello and Goodbye (1991)
Alien Wife (1991)
Alima (1981)
All About Ah-Long (1989)
All Men Are Brothers (1975)
All Men Are Brothers - Blood of the Leopard (1993)
All Night Long (1989)
All for Parents (1926)
All of Love (1926)
All of a Sudden (1996)
All the King's Men (1982)
All the Way (2000)
All the Wrong Clues (1981)
All's Well End's Well 97 (1997)
All's Well, Ends Well Too (1993)
Alley, The (1981)
Along the Silk Road (1982)
Along the Sungari River (1947)
Always Be the Winners (1994)
Always on My Mind (1993)
Amannisahan (1994)
Amasing Stories (1994)
American Pilot, A (1980)
American in Shaolin, An (1994)
Amid the Battle of Musketry (1925)
Amnesty Decree (1987)
Among the Elephants (1989)
Among the Stars (2000)
Amorous Lotus Pan, The (1994)
Amorous Woman of Tang Dynasty, An (1984)
Amourous Event in a Mountain Village (1987)
An All-Consuming Love (1947)
An Engagement (1984)
Ancient Chinese Whorehouse (1994)
And I Hate You So (2000)
Anecdote of State Yue (1985)
Anecdote on the Forbidden City (1994)
Angel Enforcers (1989)
Angel Heart (1994)
Angel Hunter (1992)
Angel and Devil (1987)
Angel of the Road (1993)
Angry Guest, The (1972)
Angry Sea and Good Pirates (1993)
Anna Magdalena (1998)
Anonymous Heroes, The (1971)
Anonymous Phone Calls (1987)
Another Chinese Cop (1996)
Answer From Heaven, An (1992)
Anti-Smuggled-Gold Group (1989)
Anxiety (1983)
Anxious To Return (1979)
Aolei Yilan, Part 1 (1979)
Aolei Yilan, Part 2 (1979)
Apartment (1985)
Apprehending Drug Smugglers (1993)
Arc Light (1988)
Arch, The (1970)
Are You Lonesome Tonight (2000)
Argument for the Number One Scholar (1988)
Armageddon (1989)
Armageddon (1997)
Armed Policewoman, The (1995)
Armor of God (1986)
Armour of God II: Operation Condor (1991)
Armoured Car 008 (1980)
Army Nurse (1985)
Army in an Impasse, An (1990)
Arrest the Restless (1992)
Artillery Major, An (1993)
As Tears Go By (1988)
As Their Wishes (1927)
As Time Goes By (1997)
Asassination (1988)
Ashes of Time (1994)
Ashes of the Lotus (1928)
Ashima (1964)
Asian Connection (1995)
Assassin in the Wedding (1989)
Assassin's Romance, An (1988)
Assassination (1986)
Assassination in Harbin (1985)
Assassination of Han Fuju (1990)
Assassination of Wang Jingwei, The (1988)
At Age of 14, 15 (1984)
At Latefront (1981)
At Love-Corner in Weekend (1991)
At Middle Age (1982)
At a Loss (1988)
At the Beach (1984)
At the End of Her Rope (1927)
At the Foot of the Icy Mountain (1984)
At the White Beach (1907)
Attack Force Z (1982)
Attack the Gaotang County (1928)
Attack the Golden Snake Hills (1929)
Au Revoir Mon Amour (1991)
Au revior, mon amour (1991)
Autumn (1954)
Autumn Harvest Uprising (1993)
Autumn's Tale, An (1987)
Avalokitesvara's Way (1928)
Avenge with Knife (1928)
Avenging Eagle, The (1978)
Avenging Gun (1993)
Avenging Quartet (1992)
Awakening (1925)
Awakening (1981)
Awakening (1994)
Awakening From a Dream (1987)
Away With Words (1999)

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