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Movie Title Index

[ A ][ B ][ C ][ D ][ E ][ F ][ G ][ H ][ I ][ J ][ K ][ L ][ M ][ N ][ O ][ P ][ Q ][ R ][ S ][ T ][ U ][ V ][ W ][ X ][ Y ][ Z ] [ Others ]

[ G ]

Gallant Zhang San (1990)
Gambler Plays Possum, A (1913)
Gambler, The (1921)
Gamblers (1989)
Gambling Baron (1994)
Gambling Ghost, The (1991)
Game Kids (1991)
Game They Call Sex, The (1987)
Game of Death (1978)
Games Gambers Play (1974)
Gan Fengchi (1928)
Gangs 2001 (2001)
Gangs 2001 (2001)
Gate No. 6 (152)
Gate to the Heaven, The (1986)
Gates of Hell (1995)
Gazing into My Eyes (1984)
Gem Ring, A (1985)
Gen-X Cops (1999)
Gen-Y Cops (2000)
Genchis Khan (1997)
General He Long (1983)
General Ling, The (1987)
General Peng Dehuai (1988)
General and the Orphans, The (1984)
General's Choice (1984)
General's Daughter, The (1926)
Generals of the Yang Family (1984)
Generation Pendragon (1997)
Generous Hero (1992)
Genghis Khan (1986)
Genghis Khan Part 2 (1986)
Gentleman's Revenge, A (1991)
Ghost (1994)
Ghost Busting (1989)
Ghost Fever (1989)
Ghost Informer, The (1984)
Ghost Lantern (1993)
Ghost Policeman (1993)
Ghost Punting (1991)
Ghost Sisters (1985)
Ghost Story, The (1979)
Ghost in the Church (1989)
Ghost of the Gold (1930)
Ghost of the Mirror (1974)
Giant Centre, Dwarf Coach (1985)
Giant Kingdom (1929)
Giant Star (1990)
Gift from Heaven (1989)
Girl Azalea, The (1984)
Girl Bandit, A (1930)
Girl Basketball Player No. 5 (1957)
Girl Diver (1964)
Girl Falls in Love (1993)
Girl Fortune-Teller (1991)
Girl From California, The (1986)
Girl From Hunan, A (1986)
Girl Killer, The (1993)
Girl Mochou, The (1983)
Girl Students' Dormitory (1983)
Girl Who Wants to Dance, The (1983)
Girl Who was Never Been Married, The (1983)
Girl and the Stealer, The (1985)
Girl in Disguise (1956)
Girl in Red (1984)
Girl in Red, The (1929)
Girl in the Special Economic Zone, The (1985)
Girl of the Times (1991)
Girl with a Thousand Guises, The (1959)
Girl's Diary (1975)
Girl's Grave, A (1982)
Girl's Love, The (1986)
Girl's Revenge, A (1988)
Girl's Soul, The (1986)
Girl's Wish, The (1981)
Girl, a Fugitive and a Dog, A (1987)
Girls Unbutton (1993)
Girls Without Tomorrow (1992)
Girls are Flowers (1966)
Girls in the Hood (1995)
Give Her Son a Lecture (1981)
Give Love a Chance (1994)
Give and Take (1994)
Glass Tears (2001)
Gleam of Hope, A (1994)
Glimmer (1983)
Glory of a Cavalier (1984)
Go Ahead, Don't Turn Around 91994)
Go Into Business (1993)
Go On, My Son (1986)
Go To Baizhang Valley in West (1984)
God of Cookery, The (1996)
God of Gambler III: The Early Stage (1996)
God of Gamblers (1989)
God of Gamblers II (1990)
God of Gamblers II (1994)
God of Gamblers II: Back To Shanghai (1991)
God of Mountains (1992)
God of Peace, The (1926) (1998)
Goddess of 1967, The (2000)
Goddess, The (1934)
Goddness of the River Luo, The (1956)
Godfather's Fury (1978)
Gods Must Be Funny in China, The (1994)
Gods of the Road (1992)
Going To School with Dad on My Back (1998)
Gold Chart (1990)
Gold Marauders (1990)
Gold Smuggler (1989)
Gold and Sand (1977)
Golden Dream (1927)
Golden Dream, The (1985)
Golden Eagle, The (1964)
Golden Fingernails (1989)
Golden Girls, The (1995)
Golden Lotus, The (1974)
Golden Mandarin Duck, The (1988)
Golden Marriage (1999)
Golden Phoenix, The (1955)
Golden Road, The (1930)
Golden Road, The (1975)
Golden Shoes (1988)
Golden Swallow (1988)
Golden Swallow, The (1968)
Golden-River Bridge, The (1981)
Good Brothers (1923)
Good Guy Must be a Soldier (1993)
Good Guy, A (1926)
Good Guy, The (1987)
Good Luck (1929)
Good Luck (1992)
Good Man Zhang Chong I, The (1929)
Good Man Zhang Chong II, The (1929)
Good Men, Good Women (1995)
Good Morning, Beijing (1990)
Good Morning, Taipei (1980)
Good Woman, A (1985)
Good, the Bad and the Beauties, The (1978)
Goodbye Hero (1988)
Goodbye Mr Cool (2001)
Goodbye My Love (1986)
Goodbye South, Goodbye (1996)
Goodbye, Hero (1988)
Gorgeous (1999)
Gory Murder, The (1978)
Grade-Fourth Railway Station, The (1984)
Grandma and Her Ghosts (1998)
Grandson and Grandpa (1993)
Grave Robbers Part III, The (1987)
Grave Robbers Part IV, The (1987)
Grave Robbers Part V, The (1988)
Grazy Games (1985)
Great Boast, Small Roast (1994)
Great Conqueror's Concubine, The (1994)
Great Conspiracy, The (1993)
Great Destruction (1990)
Great Devotion, The (1961)
Great Gunner, The (1989)
Great Land, the Heroic Poetry, The (1993)
Great Lover, A (1968)
Great Pretenders, The (1991)
Great River Flows On, The (1978)
Great Robbers, The (1929)
Great Valley, The (1991)
Great Victory, The (1995)
Great Woman, The (1929)
Greatest Hero, The (1929)
Greatest Love Affair on Earth (1964)
Greatest Wedding on Earth, The (1962)
Green Fields Again (1986)
Green Green Leaves of Home (1993)
Green Hornet, The (1994)
Green Peony Part I (1927)
Green Peony Part II (1927)
Green Peony Part III (1927)
Green Peony Part IV (1927)
Green Purse, A (1981)
Green Rocky Hill (1906)
Green Snake (1993)
Green, Green Grass of Home (1982)
Green-eyed Demoness (1967)
Greenshade (1984)
Greenwood Heroes (1986)
Grieved Gunfighter (1994)
Group, The (1998)
Growing Up (1983)
Growing Up (1996)
Gua Sha Treatment, The (2000)
Guangzhou Story (1997)
Guard From Shangdong, The (1929)
Guard Hahsir, The (1993)
Guards on Railroads (1994)
Guerrillas on the Plain (1955)
Guerrillas on the Plain (1974)
Guest On an Iceberg (1963)
Guests in the House (1988)
Guide, The (1979)
Guitar Rondo (1986)
Guixian Valley (1988)
Gun N' Rose (1992)
Gun of Dragon (1994)
Gun with Love (1998)
Gun-Shooting From the Wasteland (1986)
Gunfire at Dawn (1991)
Gunfire at the Secret Bureau (1978)
Gunman Against Opium, The (1990)
Gunman From Paris, The (1989)
Gunmen (1988)
Gunshot in the City (1992)
Gunsling Singer (1993)
Guo Moruo in the 1920s (1990)

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