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Please note this movie index was generated based on an old database we had used until 2005. Now we have created a more comprehensive database for Chinese Movie Database. You can search movie titles, artists' name, and movie company names. Also you can now access the information of the movies who don't have English titles. Please try our new search here.

Movie Title Index

[ A ][ B ][ C ][ D ][ E ][ F ][ G ][ H ][ I ][ J ][ K ][ L ][ M ][ N ][ O ][ P ][ Q ][ R ][ S ][ T ][ U ][ V ][ W ][ X ][ Y ][ Z ] [ Others ]

[ X ]

Xenolith (1994)
Xi'an Incident (1981)
Xia Minghan (1985)
Xian Xing Hai (1995)
Xiangxiang Runs a Sesame Oil Mill (1994)
Xiao Wu (1997)
Xiao'er Blak (1984)
Xiaohai (1981)
Xiaoxue (1992)
Xiaoyan and Dayan (1981)
Xiazai Catches the Thieves (1988)
Ximens, The (1989)
Xiu Xiu - The Sent Down Girl (1998)
Xu Jiujing (1982)
Xue Rengui Conquers the West I (1927)
Xue Rengui Conquers the West II (1927)
Xumao and His Daughters (1981)

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