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Chinese Movie Database 

Di Wei

Di Wei


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Total 42 records


1. Title not available (2000)
2. Title not available (2000)
3. Title in pinyin: sheng1 ri4 duo1 lian4 shi4 (1997)
4. Horrible High Heels (1996)
5. TV Series Title in pinyin: xue3 niang2 (1995)
6. The Vengeance (1995)
7. Bloody Brothers (1994)
8. Policewoman's Duty (1993)
9. Title in pinyin: lie4 sha1 hao2 fang4 nü3 (1992)
10. Midlight Lover (1992)
11. Shy Spirit (1992)
12. Title in pinyin: yu3 she2 gong4 wu3 (1992)
13. Title not available (1992)
14. Title in pinyin: hei1 dao4 nü3 ba4 wang2 (1992)
15. Angel Terminators (1992)
16. The Stone Age Warriors (1991)
17. Title not available (1991)
18. Bullet for Hire (1991)
19. Daughter Mafia Blues (1991)
20. Title not available (1990)
21. Family Honor (1990)
22. No Way Back (1990)
23. Never Say Regret (1990)
24. Close Escape (1989)
25. Angel Enforcers (1989)
26. In the Line of Duty III (1988)
27. Dragon Fight (1988)
28. Inspectors Wear Skirts (1988)
29. Walk on Fire (1988)
30. Paper Marriage (1988)
31. City Warriors (1988)
32. Title not available (1988)
33. Eastern Condors (1987)
34. Return Of The Demon (1987)
35. Witch from Nepal (1986)
36. The Seventh Curse (1986)
37. First Mission, The (1985)
38. Yes, Madam! (1985)
39. Mismatched Couples (1985)
40. Twinkle, Twinkle, Lucky Stars (1985)
41. The Owl vs. Bombo (1984)
42. The Champions (1983)......Soccer King

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