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Chinese Movie Database 

Gu Baoming

Gu Baoming


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Total 31 records


1. TV Series Down With Love (2010)
2. TV Series Romantic Princess (2007)
3. My Rice Noodle Shop (1998)
4. The Personals (1998)
5. Motel Erotica (1997)
6. Wolves Crying Under the Moon (1997)
7. Yours and Mine (1997)
8. Title in pinyin: yan4 shen1 (1994)
9. Title not available (1994)
10. Angel Heart (1994)
11. Heaven and Earth (1994)
12. The Wooden Man's Bride (1993)
13. The Peach Blossom Land (1992)
14. Title in pinyin: da4 tou2 bing1 shang4 zhan4 chang3 - za2 pai2 jun1 (1991)
15. Title in pinyin: sha3 long2 chu2 hai3 (1989)
16. Title in pinyin: hei1 pi2 xie2 yu3 bai2 bu2 xie2 (1989)
17. Title in pinyin: xiao3 ren2 wu4 (1989)
18. Title not available (1989)
19. Title in pinyin: chou3 tan4 qi1 ge4 ban4 (1988)
20. Title not available (1988)
21. The Child of Peach 2 (1988)
22. Title in pinyin: hei1 pi2 yu3 bai2 ya2 (1987)
23. The Terrorizer (1986)
24. Title in pinyin: xie3 zhan4 da4 er4 dan3 (1982)
25. Title not available (1982)
26. Title not available (1981)
27. Title not available (1981)
28. Title not available (1981)
29. Title not available (1980)
30. Title in pinyin: yi1 gen1 huo3 chai2 (1980)
31. Title not available (1979)

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