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Chinese Movie Database 

Bowie WU Fung

Hu Feng


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Total 274 records


1. Caning (1979)
2. The Big Boss Girl and C I D (1977)
3. Be Quick Darling (1977)
4. The Crazy T.V. Fans (1974)


1. TV Series Men in Pain (2006)
2. TV Series Maiden's Vow (2006)......Wang Shan Qi
3. TV Series The Biter Bitten (2006)
4. TV Series The Prince's Shadow (2005)......Chen Shi Guan
5. TV Series Gender War (2000)
6. TV Series Justice Sung (1997)
7. TV Series Mutual Affection (1996)
8. Hong Kong Showgirls (1996)
9. Sea Root (1995)
10. Whatever You Want (1994)
11. Boys Are Easy (1993)
12. Forced Nightmare (1992)
13. Cageman (1992)
14. TV Series Angel's Call (1992)
15. Behind of the Pink Door (1992)
16. Instpectors Wear Skirts IV (1992)
17. Fist of Fury 1991 II (1992)
18. What a Hero (1992)
19. Devil of Rape (1992)
20. TV Series Man From Guangdong (1991)
21. The Pretty Ghostress Story (1991)
22. Tiger Cage III (1991)
23. Fist of Fury 1991 (1991)
24. Once a Thief (1991)
25. Love is Love (1990)
26. Funny Ghost (1989)
27. Operation Pink Squad II (1989)
28. Into the Fire (1989)
29. Angel Enforcers (1989)
30. Guests in the House (1988)
31. Haunted Cop Shop II, The (1988)
32. Operation Pink Squad (1988)
33. King of Stanley Market (1988)
34. Heartbeat 100 (1987)
35. The Haunted Cop Shop (1987)
36. Goodbye My Love (1986)
37. Where's Officer Tuba (1986)
38. Mr. Vampire Part 2 (1986)
39. 36 Secrets of Courtship (1982)
40. Plain Jane to the Rescue (1982)
41. Starlets for Sale (1977)
42. The Yellow Panther (1977)
43. Oriental Playgirls (1976)
44. The Thirst for Solace (1972)
45. (Super-Cop Vs the Leopard) (1970)
46. The Wedding Gown (1970)
47. The Fascinating Love (1970)
48. Secret Agent No.1 (1970)
49. I Will Remember You Always (1970)
50. The Young Girl Dares Not Homeward (1970)
51. Two Sisters who Steal (1969)
52. The Swinging Bunch (Colour) (1969)
53. Title in pinyin: zhui1 qiu2 ji1 yu4 ji4 (1969)
54. The Romantic Girl who Plays Hard-to-Get (1969)
55. The Liar (1969)
56. Money from Heaven (1969)
57. Let's Build a Family (1969)
58. A Lucky New Home (1969)
59. The Smart Master and the Shrewd Rich Girl (1969)
60. A Great Lover (1968)
61. Three Young Girls (1968)
62. Dangerous Seventeen (1968)
63. Title in pinyin: zei2 qian1 jin1 (1968)
64. A Mad Rush into Love (1968)
65. A Blundering Dectective and a Foolish Thief (1968)
66. Happy Years (1968)
67. Title in pinyin: huan1 le4 man3 ren2 jian1 (1968)
68. The Blossoming Rose (1968)
69. Happy Years (1968)
70. The Admirers of the Girl in Mini-skirt (1968)
71. Hire a Husband (1968)
72. Lady Flying Dragon (1967)
73. I Love A-Go-Go (1967)
74. Prodigal in Distress (1967)
75. Terrors over Nothing (1967)
76. Lightning Killer (1967)
77. Bomb in Pink (1967)
78. You Are the One I Love (1967)
79. My Darling Wife (1967)
80. The Horrifying Adventure of a Girl (1967)
81. The Full Moon (1967)
82. The White Swan (1967)
83. Title in pinyin: hong2 fen3 jin1 gang1 (1967)
84. Lady Black Cat Strikes Again (1967)
85. The Flying Red Rose (1967)
86. A Maiden's Love (1967)
87. Title in pinyin: la5 se4 du2 huang2 feng1 (1967)
88. Young Love, The (1967)
89. Romance Across the Miles aka Silver Moon (1967)
90. Shaky Steps (1967)
91. Title in pinyin: fei1 zei2 jin1 si1 mao1 (1967)
92. The Tormented Life of a Woman (1966)
93. Green is the Grass (1966)
94. The Golden Gun (1966)
95. Treasure of Diamonds (1966)
96. Back-up Bride (1966)
97. Lady Black Cat (1966)
98. You Do Me Wrong (1966)
99. Who Is More Beautiful? (1966)
100. To Marry a Ghost (1966)
101. Romance of a Teenage Girl (1966)
102. Affection (1966)
103. The Deadly Angel (1966)
104. Gold Button (1966)
105. Romance of a Teenage Girl (1966)
106. Colourful Youth (1966)
107. The Sinner, Part One (1965)
108. Aunt Ping, Part Two (1965)
109. Blundering Detective (1965)
110. The Three Sisters, Part Two (1965)
111. Love never Ages (1965)
112. Diary of a Wife (1965)
113. Between Man and Ghost (1965)
114. A Movie Studio Comes to Singapore and Malaysia (1965)
115. Family Doctrine, Part Two (1965)
116. Playful Young Folks aka Boys and Girls (1965)
117. Moonlight (1965)
118. Blundering Detective (1965)
119. Tears of a Plum Blossom (1965)
120. May Luck be with You (1965)
121. Bond of Love (1965)
122. The Immature Bunch (1965)
123. I am Just Twenty (1965)
124. The Sinner, Part Two (1965)
125. My Many Sons and Grandsons (1965)
126. Women's Hearts (1965)
127. Your Infinitive Kindness (1965)
128. You'd Better be Smart (1965)
129. The Powerful Gunman and the Super Kid (1965)
130. Two Mouthy Ladies from the North and South (1965)
131. Full Happiness (1965)
132. Aunt Ping, Part One (1965)
133. The Maid Who Sells Dumplings (1965)
134. The Three Sisters, Part One (1965)
135. An Ocean of Love (1965)
136. The Maid Who Sells Dumplings (1965)
137. Good Luck (1965)
138. Family Doctrine, Part One (1965)
139. The Fake Husband (1964)
140. A Girl's Tears (1964)
141. The Willow Knife (1964)......Bai Xiaotian
142. An Anxious Bride (1964)
143. A Lonely Heart (1964)
144. The 9 Phoenixes of the City (1964)
145. Love and Passion (1964)
146. The Apartment of 14 Families (1964)
147. Man Bites Dog (1964)
148. Rich and Prosperous (1964)
149. Filial Sons and Grandchildren (1964)
150. Heroes' Love (1964)
151. I Did My Best (1964)
152. Money for Marriage (1964)
153. Luck is With You (1964)
154. The Factory Rose (1964)
155. A Beautiful Ghost (1964)
156. My Four Children, Part One (1964)
157. Love Thy Neighbours (1964)
158. North and a Man From the South (1964)
159. Autumn Love (1964)
160. Living Immortals (1964)
161. Our Big Sister (1964)
162. Long Live My Wife (1964)
163. My Four Children, Part Two (1964)
164. A Secluded Orchid (1964)
165. Beautiful Heaven (1964)
166. Miss Qiu Feng, Part Two (1963)
167. A Woman's Sad Song, Part Two (1963)
168. Hire a Wife (1963)
169. The Revived Rose (1963)
170. A Girl Named Leng Qiuwei, Part Two (1963)
171. Coffee Girl (1963)
172. The Big Revenge, Part Two (1963)
173. The Conqueress of Dong Jiang (1963)
174. The Spy (1963)
175. Somebody's Orphan (1963)
176. Horror in a Girl's Room (1963)
177. She is Different (1963)
178. A Gimmicky World (1963)
179. A Stingy Fellow (1963)
180. Weeping Rose, The (1963)
181. When Will We Get Married? (1963)
182. The Jade Ring and the Powerful Monster (1963)
183. The Quarrelsome Lovers (1963)
184. Darling Wife and Mother (1963)
185. Wife and Mistress in the Same House (1963)
186. The Good Fortune of a Fool (1963)
187. Miss Qiu Feng, Part One (1963)
188. A Woman's Sad Story, Part One (1963)
189. A Mother's Tears (1963)
190. I Am the Murderer (1963)
191. A Girl Named Leng Qiuwei, Part One (1963)
192. The Adventures of a Strange Man (1963)
193. The Big Revenge, Part One (1963)
194. Husband and Wife (1962)
195. Temporary Couple (1962)
196. Trauma under the Car (1962)
197. Eternal Regret, Part Two (1962)
198. Player aka A Song of Tears (1962)
199. Midnight Terror (1962)
200. The Princess and the 7 Little Heroes (1962)
201. The Sorrowful Tale of Qiu Xiang, Part One (1962)
202. False Alarm (1962)
203. Thief Captures Thief (1962)
204. The Quick-witted Woman Detective (1962)
205. A Couple in Cold War (1962)
206. The Sorrowful Tale of Qiu Xiang, Part Two (1962)
207. A Loving Husband for My Lovely Daughter (1962)
208. The Mysterious Murderer (1962)
209. Our Adopted Daughter (1962)
210. Chain Murder (1962)
211. Three Beaus (1961)
212. Bloody Gloves (1961)
213. The Bridge, Part Two (1961)
214. Tears of Isolated Phoenix (1961)
215. Hypocrite (1961)
216. Little Orphan (1961)
217. Love's Obligation (1961)
218. Ghost That Was Not (1961)
219. Heroine of Flower, Part One (1961)
220. A Remindful Poem (1961)
221. Song of the Nightingale (1961)
222. Heroine of Flower, Part Two (1961)
223. The Bridge, Part One (1961)
224. Mrs. Kum (1961)
225. A Case of 'Missing Corpse' (1960)
226. Autumn Leaf (1960)
227. My Intimate Partners (1960)
228. River of Mandarin Duck (1960)
229. The Harassed Husband (1960)
230. River of Mandarin Duck, Part Two (1960)
231. The Romantic Scatterbrain (1959)
232. Beauty Slain by the Sword (1959)
233. The Sweepstakes Seller (1958)
234. Mother's Broken Heart (1958)
235. Over My Dead Body (1958)
236. Little Songstress (1958)
237. The Rich Young Lady (1958)
238. Flesh and Blood, Part Two (1958)
239. How Thirteenth Sister Raided Nengren Monastery (1957)
240. Loving Enemies (1957)
241. The Reunion (1957)
242. Funny Girl (1956)
243. Homeward the Swallow Flies (1956)
244. The Wife (1956)
245. Too Late for Divorce (1956)
246. Sweet Time Together (1956)
247. Intimate Love (1955)
248. The Faithful Wife (1955)
249. Tess (1955)
250. Two Sisters before the Buddha (1955)
251. If Only We'd Met When I Was Single (1955)
252. Heaven-Sent Fortune (1955)
253. The Rose (1955)
254. The Flower-Girl in Love (1955)
255. Now That I've Got a Daughter, Everything's Okay (1955)
256. The Sun and the Moon Shine Again (1955)
257. Love and Hate (1955)
258. The Maidservant's Sad Tale (1954)
259. Love's Sad Ending (1954)
260. Grief-Stricken for My Husband (1954)
261. A Houseful of Treasures (1954)
262. The Supernatural Go-Between (1954)
263. Happily Ever After (1954)
264. The Ten-Year Search for the Missing Husband (1954)
265. Men's Hearts (1953)
266. Tears for an Absent Love (1953)


1. Caning (1979)
2. The Big Boss Girl and C I D (1977)
3. Be Quick Darling (1977)
4. The Crazy T.V. Fans (1974)

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