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Chinese Movie Database 

Simon LUI Yu Yeung

Lei Yuyang


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Rating: Attractiveness
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Total 66 records


1. Cheaters, The (2001)
2. Nightmare in the Precinct 7 (2001)
3. Troublesome Night 9 (2001)
4. Paramount Motel (2000)
5. Killer (2000)
6. Title not available (2000)
7. Esprit d'Amour (2000)
8. Evil Fade (2000)
9. Title not available (2000)
10. Man Wanted III (2000)
11. Undercover Blues (2000)
12. Title not available (2000)
13. Play With Strangers (2000)
14. Miles Apart (2000)
15. Super Car Criminals (2000)
16. Conspiracy (2000)
17. Hong Kong Pie (2000)
18. The Truth About Jane & Sam (1999)
19. Criminals (1999)
20. Rules of the Game (1999)
21. The Young Ones (1999)
22. Last Ghost Standing (1999)
23. Troublesome Night 6 (1999)
24. Ungrateful Tink (1999)
25. Troublesome Night 5 (1999)
26. Gigolto of Chinese Hollywood (1999)
27. Hong Kong Spice Gals (1999)
28. A Sword of Damocles (1999)
29. Title in pinyin: xiong1 zhou1 kan1 (1999)
30. Fourteen Days Before Suicide (1999)
31. Lusketeers (1998)
32. Step Into the Dark (1998)
33. Troublesome Night 3 (1998)
34. Love In the River (1998)
35. Ballistic Kiss (1998)
36. Professionals, The (1998)
37. Group, The (1998)
38. F***/Off (1998)
39. Raped by an Angel III: Sexual Fantasy of the Chief Executive (1998)
40. Magnificent Team (1998)
41. 97 Aces Go Places (1997)
42. 24 Hrs Ghost Story (1997)
43. Love Cruise (1997)
44. The Wedding Days (1997)
45. Troublesome Night 2 (1997)
46. Lawyer . Lawyer (1997)
47. Wild (1996)
48. Mr. Mumble (1996)
49. Title in pinyin: long2 hu3 bo1 lan2 jie1 (1996)
50. Banana Club (1996)
51. Infatuation (1995)
52. Oh, My Three Guys (1994)
53. Give and Take (1994)
54. Always on My Mind (1993)
55. Hero of the Beggars (1992)
56. The Sting (1992)


1. Feel 100% 2003 (2003)
2. Herbal Tea (2003)


1. Feel 100% 2003 (2003)
2. Herbal Tea (2003)
3. Nightmare in the Precinct 7 (2001)
4. Killer (2000)
5. Undercover Blues (2000)
6. Esprit d'Amour (2000)
7. Paramount Motel (2000)


1. Wild (1996)

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