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Chinese Movie Database 

Lin Chuan

Lin Chuan


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Total 20 records


1. The Old Man from Southeast Asia (1958)
2. Meeting on the Magpies Bridge (1957)
3. How the Immortal Lui Dong-bun Thrice Angered White Peony (1956)
4. Romance in Singapore (1956)
5. A Broken Dream (1955)
6. Love's Surprises (1954)
7. The Male Impersonator (1954)
8. Distinction between Sisters (1953)
9. The Marriage of the Fool's Daughter (1953)
10. Business is Blooming (1951)
11. Lui Tung-ban's Three Tricks on White Peony (1949)
12. Wild Imagination (1948)


1. Murderer aka Trace of Murderer (1965)
2. The Old Man from Southeast Asia (1958)
3. The Lychee's Tale (1957)
4. Romance in Singapore (1956)
5. Lui Tung-ban's Three Tricks on White Peony (1949)
6. Wild Imagination (1948)

Production Manager

1. Murderer aka Trace of Murderer (1965)
2. Doomed Love (1965)

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