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Chinese Movie Database 

Lin Dai

Lin Dai


Lin Dai Lin Dai
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Total 40 records


1. Cinema Hong Kong (2009)
2. The Mirror (1967)
3. The Blue and the Black, Part Two (1966)
4. The Blue and the Black, Part One (1966)
5. The Lotus Lamp (1965)
6. Beyond the Great Wall (1964)
7. The Last Woman of Shang (1964)
8. Love Parade (1963)
9. Unspeakable Truths (1962)
10. Snake aka White Snake Legend (1962)
11. Meng Lisi, Maid of the Jungle (1961)
12. Les Belles (1961)
13. Love without End (1961)
14. The Swallow aka The Swallow Thief (1961)
15. Bachelors Beware (1960)
16. Spring Frolic (1959)
17. Desire (1959)
18. The Kingdom and the Beauty (1959)
19. Darling Daughter (1959)
20. Lady on the Roof (1959)
21. Cinderella and Her Little Angels (1959)
22. Humiliation for Sale (1958)
23. Diau Charn (1958)
24. Scarlet Doll (1958)
25. Laughter and Tears (1958)
26. The Valley of the Lost Soul (1957)
27. Golden Lotus (1957)
28. A Mating Story (1957)
29. Lady in Distress (1957)
30. Hong Kong-Tokyo Honeymoon (1957)
31. A Mellow Spring (1957)
32. The Battle of Love (1957)
33. Beauty in the Maelstrom (1956)
34. Miss Kikuko (1956)......Kikuko/Xiaofang
35. The Fisherman's Daughter (1956)
36. The Result of Vanity (1956)
37. The Golden Phoenix (1955)
38. The Orphan Girl (1955)......Meijie
39. Spring Is in the Air (1954)
40. Singing Under the Moon (1953)

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