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Chinese Movie Database 

Bosco LAM

Lin Qinglong


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Total 16 records


1. Psychedelic Cop (2002)
2. Wishful Milenio (2001)
3. The Legend of the Flying Swordsman (2000)
4. Lusketeers (1998)
5. God of Gamblers III: The Early Stage (1996)
6. Spike Drink Gang (1995)
7. Dream Lover (1995)
8. Chinese Torture Chamber Story (1994)
9. HK Adam's Family (1994)
10. The Underground Banker (1994)


1. My Dad is a Jerk (1997)


1. Psychedelic Cop (2002)
2. Wishful Milenio (2001)
3. Lusketeers (1998)
4. Spike Drink Gang (1995)

Executive Director

1. Boys Are Easy (1993)

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