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Chinese Movie Database 

Liu Guikang

Liu Guikang


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Total 66 records


1. Autumn Romance (1954)
2. Save Your Water Supply aka Taps Off, Downstairs! (1954)
3. Love Songs to Touch the Heart (1954)
4. A Fairy from the Dragon Palace (1954)
5. A Ghostly Tale (1953)
6. The Gold Hunt (1953)
7. Not All Umbrellas Have the Same Handle (1953)
8. Conquest of the Mosque (1953)
9. Pigsy Takes a Wife (1953)
10. The Heroine with Invincible Legs (1952)
11. Auyeung Tak and His Double (1952)
12. Romance from Heaven (1952)
13. Flower in the Tempest (1951)
14. Stallion on the Milky Way (1951)
15. A Lovely Dream of Paradise (1951)
16. A Star of Mischief is Born (1951)
17. Shattering the Chain-Linked Fortress (1951)
18. The Precious Lamp in the Moon Palace (1951)
19. Fong Sai-yuk's Expedition of the Grand Peak (1951)
20. Strange Hero of the Dual Swords, Part Two (1951)
21. I Want to be Famous (1951)
22. Taipan Chow (1951)
23. The Magical Flying Swordsman (1951)
24. Kam Yuk-lo Spanks Her Faithless Lover (1950)
25. Unconquerable Devotion (1950)
26. Death is Welcome When Life is Dreary (1950)
27. Fong Sai-yuk in a Bloody Battle in Yin Yang Cave (1950)
28. How Fong Sai-yuk Shattered the White Lotus Gang (1950)
29. the Heroines from Kunlun and the (1950)
30. How Ten Heroes of Guangdong Slew the Dragon (1950)
31. Owing (1949)
32. Peach Blossom Girl's Magic (1949)
33. The Woman General, Muk Kwaiying (1949)
34. Trashy Heaven (1949)
35. Cast Aside the Beloved One (1949)
36. Fong Sai-yuk Burns the Red Cloud Temple (1949)
37. Double happiness at the door (1949)
38. The Revenge of Fong Sai-yuk (1949)
39. Thirteen Heroes with Seven Swords, Part Three (1949)
40. Flying Heroine (1948)
41. Between Hero Copper Hammer and Madam Nine (1948)
42. Fight for Champion (1948)
43. Between Hero Copper Hammer and Madam Nine (1948)
44. Moving Upwards (1948)
45. Butterfly Dream (1948)
46. Honour to the Husband But Not the Wife (1948)
47. World of Fists (1948)
48. Wild Imagination (1948)
49. Some Day I Will Make It (1948)
50. The Virtuous Soul of a Lascivious (1947)
51. The Fickle Lady (1947)
52. A Bright Future (1941)
53. The Patriotic Lovers (1941)
54. The Mysterious Woman (1941)
55. The Wanton Empress (1940)
56. The Life of a Song Girl (1940)
57. As the Heart Desires (1940)
58. Encounter with the Gods (1940)
59. The Final Victory (1939)
60. Journey to Fantasy Land (1939)
61. Second-take Marriage (1938)
62. Denying my Wife (1938)
63. At the Parting of the Ways (1938)
64. Love in Wartime (1938)
65. Family Responsibility (1937)
66. The Woman Spy (1936)

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