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Chinese Movie Database 

Lou Nanguang

Lou Nanguang


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Total 20 records


1. Temptation of Office Ladies (2000)
2. Only Fools Fall in Love (1995)
3. TV Series The Vampire Returns (1993)
4. Instpectors Wear Skirts IV (1992)
5. Here Comes a Vampire (1990)
6. Operation Pink Squad II (1989)
7. Funny Ghost (1989)
8. Fortune Code (1989)
9. One Eyebrow Priest (1989)
10. Police Story II (1988)
11. Haunted Cop Shop II, The (1988)
12. Eastern Condors (1987)
13. The Haunted Cop Shop (1987)
14. The Luckiest Stars (1986)
15. Mr. Vampire Part 2 (1986)
16. My Family (1986)
17. United We Stand (1986)
18. The Intellectual Trio (1985)
19. Mr. Vampire (1985)
20. Twinkle, Twinkle, Lucky Stars (1985)

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