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Chinese Movie Database 

Luo Ma

Luo Ma


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Total 39 records


1. Young Outcasts (1980)
2. Monkey Kung Fu (1979)
3. Five Superfighters (1979)
4. Sweeping Call Girls (1979)
5. Chase (1978)
6. Bruce Lee and I (1976)
7. Crazy Bumpkin in Singapore (1976)
8. Big Time for the Crazy Bumpkins (1976)
9. The Girlie Bar (1976)
10. The Happy Trio (1975)
11. Salina (1975)
12. Return of the Crazy Bumpkin (1975)
13. Thief of Thieves (1975)
14. Crazy Bumpkins (1974)
15. Back Street (1973)
16. Tiger (1973)
17. Impetuous Fire (1972)
18. Money and I (1971)
19. Maria (1971)
20. Bus Stop (1971)
21. Miss Not Home (1970)
22. Red Light, Green Light (1969)
23. A Time for Reunion (1968)
24. Sister's Lover (1967)


1. The Black Sheep (1983)
2. Second Class Resident (1981)


1. The Black Sheep (1983)
2. Monkey Kung Fu (1979)
3. Big Time for the Crazy Bumpkins (1976)
4. Money and I (1971)
5. Maria (1971)
6. Bus Stop (1971)
7. Miss Not Home (1970)
8. Red Light, Green Light (1969)
9. A Time for Reunion (1968)
10. Sister's Lover (1967)
11. The Temple of the Golden Orchid, Part One (1961)
12. The Search of Loved One (1961)
13. The Temple of the Golden Orchid, Part Two (1961)

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