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Chinese Movie Database 

Miao Jianhui

Miao Jianhui


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Total 18 records

Director of Cinematography

1. Love Repair Station (2010)
2. Cop in a Mission (2001)
3. Sharp Guns (2001)
4. Casino (1998)
5. Those were the Days (1997)
6. We're No Bad Guys (1997)
7. Chinese Midnight Express (1997)
8. Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Star (1996)
9. Scarred Memory (1996)
10. Street Angels (1996)
11. The Eternal Evil of Asia (1995)
12. Fatal Encounter (1994)
13. Brother of Darkness (1994)
14. Run and Kill (1993)
15. The Final Judgement (1993)
16. The Magic Crane (1993)
17. Doctor Lamb (1992)
18. The Unmatchable Match (1990)

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