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Chinese Movie Database 

Max MOK Siu-Chung

Mo Shaocong


Max MOK Siu-Chung Max MOK Siu-Chung
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Total 56 records


1. 7 Assassins (2013)
2. Title in pinyin: si4 da4 jin1 chan1 (2006)
3. One Drop Of Blood Per Step (2000)
4. Title in pinyin: bu4 ke3 kang4 ju4 de ren4 wu4 (2000)
5. The Hong Kong Happy Man (2000)
6. The Golden Nightmare (1999)
7. TV Series Love Letter (1999)
8. Nightmare Zone (1998)
9. Happy Together (1997)
10. Top Borrower (1997)
11. Once Upon A Time in China & America (1997)
12. TV Series Wong Fei Hung Series: The Ideal Century (1996)
13. TV Series Wong Fei Hung Series: The Headless General (1996)
14. TV Series Wong Fei Hung Series: The Final Victory (1996)
15. Dangerous Duty (1996)
16. TV Series Wong Fei Hung Series: The Suspicious Temple (1995)
17. TV Series Wong Fei Hung Series: The Eight Assassins (1995)......Liang Kuan
18. Once Upon a Time in China V (1994)
19. Title in pinyin: ni2 hong2 guang1 guan3 gao1 gao1 gua4 zhi1 nu:3 zi3 gong1 yu4 (1994)
20. Gambling Baron (1994)
21. Fait Accompli (1994)
22. Fire Dragon (1994)
23. Lantern (1994)
24. Slave of the Sword (1993)
25. Secret Signs (1993)
26. Angel of the Road (1993)
27. New Stories of an Assassin (1993)
28. Once Upon a Time in China IV (1993)
29. Once Upon a Time in China III (1992)
30. Summer Lovers (1992)
31. Once Upon a Time in China II (1992)
32. Sisters in Law (1992)
33. Title in pinyin: gao4 bie2 zi3 jin1 cheng2 (1992)
34. Son on the Run (1991)
35. Off Track (1991)
36. An Eye for an Eye (1990)
37. Lung Fung Restaurant (1990)
38. Family Honor (1990)
39. Lucky Star (1990)
40. Whampoa Blues (1990)
41. Ghost Fever (1989)
42. Close Escape (1989)
43. Pedicab Driver (1989)
44. Fortune Code (1989)
45. Seven Warriors (1989)
46. Long Arm of the Law III (1989)
47. City Kids (1989)
48. Hearts No Flowers (1989)
49. 3 Wishes (1988)
50. Lai Shi, China's Last Eunuch (1988)
51. Blood Call (1988)
52. Faithfully Yours (1988)
53. Journey of the Doomed (1985)
54. My Mind, Your Body (1985)
55. The Lady Assassin (1983)
56. Usurper Emperor's Power (1983)

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