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Chinese Movie Database 

Wang Dao

Wang Dao


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Total 31 records


1. TV Series Why Why Love (2007)
2. Title not available (1998)
3. Title not available (1994)
4. Magic Sword (1993)
5. When the Ocean is Blue (1988)
6. Be My Lovely Child Again (1987)
7. Title in pinyin: guo2 fu4 zhuan4 (1986)
8. Title in pinyin: gao1 liang2 de5 li3 da4 mai4 shou2 (1984)
9. Title not available (1984)
10. Night Orchid (1983)
11. Title in pinyin: jin1 men2 nu:3 bing1 (1983)
12. Title in pinyin: ye3 qiao1 gao1 fei1 (1983)
13. Title not available (1982)
14. Title not available (1982)
15. Title in pinyin: xie3 jian1 gui1 xiang1 lu4 (1982)
16. Title not available (1982)
17. Title in pinyin: xie3 zhan4 da4 er4 dan3 (1982)
18. Happy Days in the Army (1982)
19. Title not available (1982)
20. The Battle for the Republic of China (1981)
21. Title in pinyin: gu3 ning2 tou2 da4 zhan4 (1980)
22. The Pioneers (1980)
23. Title not available (1979)
24. Title not available (1979)
25. Title not available (1978)
26. Title not available (1978)
27. The Damned (1977)
28. Title not available (1977)
29. The Secret Rivals (1976)
30. Yellow-Faced Tiger (1974)
31. Enforcers (1974)

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