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Chinese Movie Database 

Carrie NG Ka-Lai

Wu Jiali


Carrie NG Ka-Lai Carrie NG Ka-Lai
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Total 70 records


1. Hi, Fidelity (2011)......Mrs Ho
2. Glass Tears (2001)
3. Ghost Promise (2000)
4. The Warning Time (2000)
5. X-Cop Girls (2000)
6. Diamond Hill (2000)
7. The Kid (1999)
8. Yeung Yuet Lau Story (1999)
9. Faces of Horrid (1998)
10. Ranging Angels (1998)
11. My Belove (1998)
12. Title in pinyin: wo3 de ai4 dui4 ni3 shui4 (1998)
13. Title not available (1998)
14. TV Series Title in pinyin: long2 tang2 (1998)
15. TV Series Fated Love (1997)
16. Title in pinyin: hua1 jie1 lei4 (1997)
17. Title in pinyin: ji2 du4 shou4 xing4 (1996)
18. Stooge, My Love (1996)
19. Thunder Cop (1996)
20. Mahjong (1996)
21. The Eighth (1996)
22. Candlelight's Woman (1995)
23. The Armed Policewoman (1995)
24. One and a Half (1995)
25. Police Confidential (1995)
26. Passion Unbounded (1995)
27. Modern Romance (1994)
28. Lovers, The (1994)
29. Give and Take (1994)
30. Rock N' Roll Cop (1994)
31. Right Here Waiting... (1994)
32. C'est la Vie, Mon Cherie (1994)
33. Black Panther Warriors (1993)
34. Title not available (1993)
35. Days of Tomorrow (1993)
36. Remains of a Woman (1993)
37. Title in pinyin: chi4 luo3 de5 you4 huo4 (1993)
38. The Naked Killer (1992)
39. Angel Terminators (1992)
40. Changing Partners (1992)
41. Justice, My Foot! (1992)
42. Gun N' Rose (1992)......Cheng Li
43. Sex & Curse (1992)
44. Taking Manhattan (1992)
45. My Americanize Wife (1992)
46. Call Girl '92 (1992)
47. Misty (1992)
48. Best of the Best (1992)
49. The Ultimate Vampire (1991)
50. A Rascal's Tale (1991)
51. Weakness of Man (1991)
52. Au Revoir Mon Amour (1991)
53. No Rish, No Gain (1990)
54. The Dragon from Russia (1990)
55. The Dragon Fighter (1990)
56. Family Day (1990)
57. Queen's Bench III (1990)
58. Skinny Tigger and Fatty Dragon (1990)
59. Fight to Survive (1989)
60. Sentence to Hang (1989)
61. The Nobles (1989)
62. Girls Without Tomorrow (1988)
63. The First Time is the Last Time (1988)
64. Diary of a Big Man (1988)
65. Fury (1988)
66. Mistaken Identity (1988)
67. Gunmen (1988)
68. You Ok, I'm OK (1987)
69. To Err Is Humane (1987)
70. City On Fire (1987)

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