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Chinese Movie Database 

Wu Qilong

Wu Qilong


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Total 27 records


1. Ticket (2008)
2. A Battle of Wits (2006)
3. TV Series Hero on the Silkroad (2004)
4. Title in pinyin: bai3 fen1 bai3 ai4 ni3 (2002)
5. TV Series The Eleventh Son (2002)
6. Title in pinyin: chu1 lian4 de5 gu4 shi (2001)
7. Never Say Goodbye (2001)......Man
8. TV Series At the Threshold of an Era II (2000)
9. TV Series At the Threshold of an Era I (1999 - 2000)
10. Title in pinyin: hao3 hai2 zi3 (1999)
11. A Tale of Rascal (1999)
12. Title in pinyin: " yuan2 " , miao4 bu2 ke3 yan2 (1999)
13. My Heart Will Go On (1999)
14. Title in pinyin: tian1 sheng1 jue2 pei4 (1997)
15. A Chinese Ghost Story (1997) [Voice]
16. Title in pinyin: huo3 shao1 dao3 zhi1 heng2 hang2 ba4 dao4 (1997)
17. Title in pinyin: sheng1 ri4 duo1 lian4 shi4 (1997)
18. Forever Friends (1996)
19. Title in pinyin: wan2 pi2 zha2 dan4 (1996)
20. Title in pinyin: gou3 dan4 da4 bing1 (1996)
21. Thunder Cop (1996)
22. Love in the Time of Twilight (1995)
23. Title in pinyin: tao2 xue2 zhan4 jing3 (1995)
24. Remember M, Remember E (1995)
25. Lovers, The (1994)
26. In Between (1994)
27. To Miss with Love (1992)

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