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Total 29 records


1. Title not available (1994)
2. Title in pinyin: wo3 de er2 zi shi4 tian1 cai2 (1990)
3. School Girl (1989)
4. When the Ocean is Blue (1988)
5. Title in pinyin: na4 yi1 nian2 wo3 men2 qu4 kan4 xue3 (1987)
6. I Want To Be (1987)
7. Title not available (1987)
8. Title in pinyin: wo3 men2 dou1 shi4 zhe4 yang4 zhang3 da2 de (1986)
9. The Terrorizer (1986)
10. Title not available (1984)
11. Run Away (1984)
12. Title in pinyin: gao1 liang2 de5 li3 da4 mai4 shou2 (1984)
13. Title not available (1983)
14. Title not available (1983)
15. All the King's Men (1982)
16. Happy Days in the Army (1982)
17. Title not available (1982)
18. Title in pinyin: xie3 zhan4 da4 er4 dan3 (1982)
19. Title not available (1982)
20. Unrequited Love (1982)
21. A Lily in the Valley (1982)
22. The Battle for the Republic of China (1981)
23. Title not available (1981)
24. Title not available (1981)
25. Title not available (1979)
26. Off to Success (1979)
27. Title in pinyin: nan2 hai2 yu2 nu:3 hai2 de5 zhan4 zheng1 (1978)

Production Manager

1. Title not available (1983)

Executive Production Manager

1. The Terrorizer (1986)

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