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Chinese Movie Database 

Zhang Fujian

Zhang Fujian


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Total 21 records


1. A Moment of Love (2013)
2. TV Series The Hospital (2006)......Huang Kai Yuan
3. Magic Sword (1993)
4. Title not available (1990)
5. Title not available (1990)
6. Title not available (1989)
7. Title in pinyin: guo2 fu3 sun1 zhong1 shan1 yu2 kai1 guo2 ying1 xiong2 (1989)
8. Spring Swallow (1989)
9. Title in pinyin: hei1 pi2 xie2 yu3 bai2 bu2 xie2 (1989)
10. Title in pinyin: zai4 gei3 wo3 yi1 ci4 ji1 hui4 (1988)
11. Title not available (1988)
12. The Child of Peach (1987)
13. Title not available (1987)
14. Title not available (1985)
15. Title not available (1983)
16. Title in pinyin: shi2 er4 lian2 hua1 (1980)
17. Title in pinyin: tian1 lang2 xing1 (1980)
18. Title not available (1980)
19. Title in pinyin: da4 ying1 wang2 (1978)
20. Title not available (1978)
21. Title not available (1978)

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