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Chinese Movie Database 


Zhang Wenci


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Total 30 records


1. TV Series Central Affairs II (2006)
2. TV Series Central Affairs (2005)
3. Papa Loves You (2004)
4. Sex and the Beauties (2004)......Sister Mark
5. Color of the Truth (2003)
6. Dark War (2001)
7. Everyday is Valentine (2001)
8. Bloody Cops (2001)
9. Esprit d'Amour (2000)
10. Paramount Motel (2000)
11. Raped by an Angel 5 (2000)
12. Horoscope II the Woman From Hell (2000)
13. The Dark Rose (2000)
14. Temptation of Office Ladies (2000)
15. Healing Hearts (2000)
16. Treasure Hunter (2000)
17. Horoscope II: The Woman from Hell (2000)
18. Violent Cop (2000)
19. Last Ghost Standing (1999)
20. Ximp (1999)
21. Night Club (1999)
22. Erotic Nightmare (1999)
23. Horoscope I: The Voice from Hell (1999)
24. Fourteen Days Before Suicide (1999)
25. Second IMP (1999)
26. Raped by an Angel III: Sexual Fantasy of the Chief Executive (1998)
27. TV Series Fated Love (1997)
28. Chinese Midnight Express (1997)
29. 'What You Gonna Do, Sai Fung' (1997)
30. Love Cruise (1997)

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