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Chinese Movie Database

Chinese Title (sp)
Chinese Title (td)
Title in pinyin
: nan2 yu3 nü3 (1993)

The Love That is Wrong (1993)

RegionHong Kong
Runtime93 minutes
CategoryIII(Hong Kong)
Film-TypeFeature Film
GenreErotic / Action /
SubjectFemale Nudity / Homosexual / Lesbian / Police

Release date : 1993-01-21 (Hong Kong)
He Shufu (Sam HO)


According to credit sequece
Ellen CHAN Ar-Lun Chen Yalun
(Ellen CHAN Ar-Lun)
Tao Dayu
(Michael TIU Dai-Yue)
Lin Wei

Followings are not according to credit sequence
Cao Chali
(Charlie CHO Cha-Lei)
Chen Zhixiong
Deng Yaohui

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