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Chinese Movie Database 

1993 Film List (Yearly film list)

Feature Film/Fiction Film 409 (413)

Others: Short 0 Documentary 2 (2) Animation 0 TV 13 (13)
Numbers in parentheses include films in production and non-Chinese language films.
Select page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
TitleChinese Title (sp)Chinese Title (td)Region
1 1/3 Lover (1993)1/3情人1/3情人Hong Kong
2 1942 of Chengdu (1993)1942雾都大曝光1942霧都大曝光Mainland China
3 7 Days in Paris (1993)少女情怀总是诗少女情懷總是詩Hong Kong
4 Action "Manchou Tigher" (1993)满洲虎行动滿洲虎行動Mainland China
5 Action Without Mission (1993)无使命行动無使命行動Mainland China
6 All Men Are Brothers - Blood of the Leopard (1993)水浒英雄传之英雄本色水滸英雄傳之英雄本色Mainland China/Hong Kong
7 All's Well, Ends Well Too (1993)花田喜事花田囍事Hong Kong
8 Always on My Mind (1993)抢钱夫妻搶錢夫妻Hong Kong
9 Angel of the Road (1993)马路天使馬路天使Hong Kong
10 Angel the Kickboxer (1993)纵横天下縱橫天下Hong Kong
11 Angry Sea and Good Pirates (1993)怒海侠盗怒海俠盜Mainland China/Hong Kong
12 Apprehending Drug Smugglers (1993)秦淮大缉毒秦淮大緝毒Mainland China
13 An Artillery Major (1993)炮兵少校砲兵少校Mainland China
14 Astray Lamb (1993)玉女性重伤玉女性重傷Hong Kong
15 Autumn Harvest Uprising (1993)秋收起义秋收起義Mainland China
16 Avenging Gun (1993)神枪雪恨神槍雪恨Mainland China
17 Bandits in the Capital (1993)京城劫盗京城劫盜Mainland China
18 The Bare-Footed Kid (1993)赤脚小子赤腳小子
19 Beheaded 1000 (1993)千人斩千人斬Hong Kong
20 Beijing Bastards (1993)北京杂种北京雜種Mainland China
21 Beyond the Horizon (1993)走出地平线走出地平綫Mainland China
22 Big Circle Blues (1993)大圈风云之强暴大圈風雲之強暴Hong Kong
23 Black 25 (1993)黑色25黑色25Mainland China
24 Black Fire (1993)黑火黑火Mainland China
25 Black Lightening (1993)黑色闪电黑色閃電Mainland China
26 The Black Morning Glory (1993)叠影惊情疊影驚情Hong Kong
27 Black Panther Warriors (1993)黑豹天下黑豹天下Hong Kong
28 A Black and White World (1993)黑白人间黑白人間Mainland China
29 Blade of Fury (1993)一刀倾城一刀傾城Hong Kong
30 Blood Rose (1993)血色玫瑰血色玫瑰Mainland China
31 Blood Shedding Over the Yellow Desert (1993)血祭黄沙镇血祭黃沙鎮Mainland China
32 Bloody Gambling Hell (1993)生死赌门生死賭門Mainland China
33 Bloody Poppy Flower (1993)泪血罂粟花淚血罌粟花Mainland China
34 Bloody Wine Erdek (1993)俄得克血酒俄得克血酒Mainland China
35 The Blue Kite (1993)蓝风筝藍風箏Mainland China
36 Bogus Cops (1993)走佬威龙走佬威龍Hong Kong
37 Boys Are Easy (1993)追男仔追男仔Hong Kong
38 Brave Dragons of the Border (1993)边陲威龙邊陲威龍Mainland China
39 Break Through the Siege (1993)军列杀出重围軍列殺出重圍Mainland China
40 The Bride With White Hair (1993)白发魔女传白髮魔女傳Hong Kong
41 The Bride With White Hair II (1993)白发魔女传 II白髮魔女傳 IIHong Kong
42 Bring Her to Justice (1993)缉拿销魂小皇后緝拿銷魂小皇后Mainland China
43 Burning Snow (1993)燃烧的雪花燃燒的雪花Mainland China
44 Butterfly and Sword (1993)新流星蝴蝶剑新流星蝴蝶劍Taiwan
45 By the High Building (1993)高楼边高樓邊Mainland China
46 Cai Yue and Her Lover (1993)彩月和她的情人彩月和她的情人Mainland China
47 Chasing the Devil (1993)地狱追踪地獄追蹤Mainland China
48 Chez'n Ham (1993)芝士火腿芝士火腿Hong Kong
49 Children and Panda (1993)熊猫小太阳熊貓小太陽Mainland China/Hong Kong
50 Chivalrous Heroine (1993)奇侠俏妹闹烈河奇俠俏妹鬧烈河Mainland China
Select page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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